Jun 16, 2008 13:32
Been busy lately redecorating the home after we booted 2 of the roommates. Now its just vanessa, calvin, and me in our awesome 3 bedroom place. We ended up turning chris's old room into our new bedroom and turned our old room into our new office/entertainment room. Bought a new grill for the balcony and got to use it for a poker party we had with some wow friends. Turned our well and the steaks we had tasted awesome. Also got a new flat screen for the office and hooked up the wii, ps2, and xbox 360 to it so now we have an awesome gaming and tv watching room! Anyway I'm in class right now typing this in between taking notes and such, hopefully we will be able to have another games/movies/drinking/BBQ night with this group so keep an eye out and I'll let ya know when we are going to do it. I'll try to post pics of the "new" apartment soon... Or you can just come by and see it anytime! =)
Anyway, take care everyone and ill talk to you again soon!