Nov 11, 2004 02:16
OK, so it's now 2:15 AM...I jsut spent all mother fucking night doing my Physics formal lab...and I just know that lousy cunt-barf of a twat-belch is going to dock me all sorts of Mexican marks for my invisible infractions. I'm refering to my Physics lab TA, Maria. I'm realy raly just full of hate for this woman, and I now know why I hate labs so much: they don't teach you anything, they just expect you to do it and know it from the get go, that's the piss off!!! I can't even understand what's going on, I heard a song on TV 3.25 Hours ago called "imagine" by "perfect circle"'s a cover of the beatles song "imagine" and it's all uber grand with a music video that demonises Bush and war and glutny and all that, it was actualy good :) but it was a little slow and depressing for me so I tossed it inot Premier, cranked the speed up to 140% and then listened to the song on loop until now...actualy it's still going, almost hypnotic, man tonight has been one massive soul killing trip (except for the party earlyer, that was nice), I'm so tired and so full of potential rage for Maria if she doesn't give me perfect on this one...oh man, it's go time if she docks me marks...I'm too tired to tpye more, sleepy dagan GO! good night guys, keep it fastned tightly