Aug 03, 2004 22:20
hey wassup im having so much fun chillin w/ my friend falen. i was so excited when dion called me. he is the sexiest teacher @ dada. hes 20 and absolutely beautiful just like my baby josh. i luv them both. i wish i had joshs # tho but w/e. dion is so dumb. i luv him 2 death! rite now im watchin legally blonde 2. cute movie. 2morrrow me and falen and mayb milan go 2 hurricane harbor 4 the 1st time in our lives. its gonna b fun. i wish josh was goin tho. god d**n i luv him so much! he is so beautiful. hes 15 an amazing dancer beautiful and (check this out)... so much better than raymond will ever be. im not obssessed like i was with raymond but i really do like this guy like crzy. he is so amazing. but enouf about him more about camp.
we took african tap ballet flaminco character jazz dunham modern and modern rep. it was so much fun to be dancing all day and then going to the dorms and hanging out around campus, in each others rooms, the 'big room', the studios, the tv room, everything always loud and fun. i really hope i can go next yr but my mom said that i cant dance 4 a long time. im so pissed off. thats so unfair cuz this is my career we're talking about here. she is so cruel sometimes but i really dont care because im going to dance neway.
if josh was here it would be so amazing. i wouldnt be typin on the computer thats 4 sure. lol j/k j/k. well i oughta go ask dion if he knows joshs #. if i talk 2 him i promise i wont talk about him on the internet. but itz ok bcuz im not obssessed so i wont really be trippin over him in a while. itll be all gravy. but w/e. i can think about him 4 a while then when i c raymond itll be all over again. even tho ive liked josh 4 a yr ive liked raymond 4 5.
so neway, i g2g finish entertainin my guest so...yea. luv yall. ttyl.