Feb 13, 2007 16:55

So BU won the beanpot last night (if you don't know what it is...wikipedia that shit). Best night of my life, easily. We were playing BC our biggest rival. We scored quickly in the first period, held them off for the second period, especially with a BEAUTIFUL check that made that little bitch Nate Gerbe get laid out like the little bitch he is...but then in the 3rd period, that bastard midget Gerbe fucking sneaks one in past Curry. Now there's only 10 more minutes left in the period...and now its anybody's game, moreso than it has been. There was some dispute over goals, we got one taken away, as well as BC. The problem was we couldn't see the goal, so we all had to lean over and hold our breath everytime those asshole Eagles were down by our net. Finally the siren sounds and it's the end of the 3rd period, tied 1-1 and we're now in overtime. After the longest 15 minutes of my life where the zambonis cleared the ice, it was OT. In the first few minutes of the OT  BC took a rediculous amount of shots on Johnny Curry, who saved them all (blocked 35 outta 36 shots for the game, .985% saves for the whole tournament) then suddenly after an icing call the puck was brought to the BC net, where after the whistle blew, a quick of the wrist from Brian McGuirk sent the puck into the top-part of the net....GOAL!!!!!!! And so in the most stressful sporting event of my life, we came out victorious. Honestly, this is the shit that inspirational movies are made of. It was INSANE!!!!! The ride back on the T was even better...the train was literally shaking as we did our cheers of "Ole," "Hey Baby," "Tequilla," and of course...the BC SUCKS song. "FUCK 'EM UP, FUCK 'EM UP...BC SUCKS!!!!"

Of course only the most brilliant caught all the action on tape:

that was the most epic experience of my life...I am STILL flying high from the win.

Anyways, in other news I got a fortune cookie that said "the current year will bring you much happiness" hopefully it's a sign that things are going to start improving. I'm pretty sure the beanpot was a sign that things are gonna start getting better. I really hope so. I had a lot more thoughts on everything...but yeah...I'll save those for another non-beanpot entry.

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