(no subject)

Sep 20, 2006 00:05

So it's strange to leave a place that you think is safe, for perhaps a place that isn't...only to find that your home isn't what it was....3 student deaths this year...it's a weird thing to have happen. To know somebody than to know that they're gone...it's weird. The fact that it was drunk driving, to take such a beautiful person... sometimes it makes you wonder why we continue, why even bother to bring babies into the world, why even bother to pick the good over evil, to continue in the face of such horror. I mean if you look around our world can be pretty shitty, there are hate crimes, there is violence, death, disease, destruction. One could very well just break under all the pressure and all the evil that is in the world, however, god gives us people like emily, who aren't afraid to be who they are, who bring life, love and joy to those around her...sometimes she was a handful, but she was a good person, and that's how we know we can still move on and that the world is not completely hopeless. I wouldn't assume in saying that  I knew Emily that well, I knew her, I talked with her a few times, but to those who felt the loss more than I, I send my condolences...

life's a funny thing. One minute you're up, the next you're down, and the one after that you couldn't even begin to imagine, because nothing is guaranteed. Every so often life needs to be put into perspective because we're not gonna live forever...
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