Lookie Lookie...

Oct 17, 2005 19:12

DAYUM! HAVE I KILLED MANY A KITTEN IN MY LIFE! Thanks Burns for the layout. Okay, so now I get to condense a few months of living in a few paragraphs...bawahahaha! there is no method to my madness! anyhoo...

I started a job. I work at telerectum, again. ugh! i get bitched out by people for four hours & then i rest & then i get to go to school! it's not so bad. i just push the mute button & make fun of them. nahhh, people call me regarding different aspects of their phone service. sometimes you get really interesting & kind people, but then you can also get jerks who want money for nothing and the chicks for free.

well, at work i met this guy who annoyed the crap out of me. he was loud & made jokes out of everything. he's too much like me haha! ;) but yeah, once we got out of training, he sat next to me & we started talking. now, we've been going out for a bit & have a blast together. yup...i'm dating a GUY!!!!

okay, what else? what else? oh yeah i'm kinda working backwards here, so the time line can be confusing.

we moved out of the middle of nowhere. now we live in an older townhouse which is now considered an apartment. it is tri-level & has a ton of room in it. most importantly, i have my own study & there are 2 bathrooms! kick ass! nahh...i'm fifteen mins from school & 15 mins from work so it's perfect. plus, everything i need is just down the road a bit.

okay, well i'm tired of this so i give up for now. i'll try to write more sometime out.
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