things are looking down...

Jan 01, 2005 21:36

One of my friends back home got in a wreck Wed. There was a flat bed truck making a u-turn with a huge tool box on the bed. While he was making the turn, the box fell off and Scottie ran into it then the truck. He was pinned in the car for an hour and he was awake the whole time. This is how bad it was: Car totalled, Cuts and abrasions everywhere, Scootie broke his jaw in 2 places, tore his neck where you could see his everything inside, he broke his left femur bone in half, crushed his left knee cap, and shattered his right ankle. He was in suregery from 9pm to 3am. They couldnt do anything to his jaw it was so swollen. He is on the resporator in fear that his throat would swell on him. Went in on thursday to see him. I walked in and his little face was so big, he was sadated for the pain. The nurse put him on the machine where if he got restless a little alarm would beep so if you talked to him and he heard you and his heart rate went up you would get introuble. I was looking at him and I told his sister (my best friend Wendy) I wanted touch him, she told me to. As I was rubbing his arm--fingers were needing to be stiched up--I looked around and all the sudden I couldnt hear anything, everything was in slow motion and I was trying to tell Wendy I did feel well but I could hear myself, I blacked out and the nurse sat me down with my head between my legs..I felt so stupid! He had a heart filter put in yesterday so I couldnt see him. I went in today to see him, they werent allowing visitor because he sat up in bed today and pulled his tubes out. I sat with his mom for a few hours and talk to her. She was up there all day by herself and was having to sit in the waiting room every two hours then visit him for 30mins, they were allowing her to just stay with him, but because he was restless they wouldnt let her. I am going tomorrow morning to see him again, I want to make it up there once a day.
P.S. He is going to make a full recovery just going to take a very LONG time
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