Oct 07, 2007 01:52
So my brother got married on Thursday. He and my now sister-in-law decided to have a small, intimate gathering of immediate family and close friends, and I have to say it was actually one of the funnest wedding events I've been to...but back to the "cake".
I have a no-bake cheesecake recipe which my now sister-in-law tasted at my birthday gathering during the summer and, despite not being a cheesecake fan, she thought that was one of the best desserts she'd ever had and asked me to make it for her wedding. Now the story on this no-bake cheesecake recipe is that it is completely natural and refined sugar-free, it's also low glycemic index so a diabetic could eat it. I have a not so secret passion of finding ways to make desserts that are not just good, but REALLY fucking good while not entirely bad for you, and frankly most "healthy" dessert options taste like ass. I, personally, prefer something that I want to eat, hence my passion in this direction.
Seizing the opportunity to have so many unknowing guinea pigs at my disposal, I of course accepted and long story short the cheesecake was not just a hit, it was a fucking HUGE hit! I didn't tell anyone about it being sugar-free or "healthy" (well, relatively speaking....), just served it up complete with raspberry sauce and off the cuff chocolate sauce (per my brother's request), also sugar-free. After trying to find out where to get one and being pointed in my direction the guests were coming up to me saying things like "I love cheesecake and that was the best cheesecake I've ever had in my life!" And my personal favorite, "I don't even like cheesecake, but but that was absolutely unreal; I even went back for seconds." My favorite part was then telling them it was sugar-free, completely natural and organic and watching their jaw hit the floor. Haha, success!!! I now have more fans encouraging me to start my own business in this direction. It's a thought....