Countdown meme

Oct 03, 2008 22:21

So sum1 basically begged me to do this..after much hard wracking of the brain, n yes i have is the Countdown Meme:

Ten Things I Wish I Could Say to Ten Different People Right Now:
- Im sorry
- I really really dont like you right now
- ur pretty cute and fucking hilarious
- whats going on?
- thankyou for being there
- I miss you
- i wanna be here for you
- i deserve my pay rise now, like 3 days ago hmph!
- where on earth have u dissapeard to...i thought we supposed to stick together
- i fucking hate you!

Nine Things About Myself:
- I have 2 tattoos, both on the insides of my hips
- I have 3 piercings 1 on each ear and another on the top of my right ear
- Im shit scared of needles, doctors and dentists, yes im a baby when it comes to those things
- Ppl dnt think im shy but i actually am in certain situations
- n yes i read books, with glasses...nerdy i know but i am not ashamed
- i fucking love movies, especially dance, and horror
- pink n green are my fave colours
- Beer is my fave alcoholic drink along with vodka and jelly shots
- apparently i pick up accents really easily..rndom n not so interesting fact but ppl like it...meh

Eight Ways to Win My Heart:
- Must like me for who i am
- Have to be able to make me laugh and smile like a fool
- Has to accept my job and understand my love for travelling
- Has to like movies and cuddling
- Has to be able to have a conversation with me
- By being a lil mysterious and surprising
- Maybe a date every now and then, not huge on them but its nice
- Be honest with me

Seven Things That Cross My Mind A Lot:
- Sex.
- Smoking.
- Money.
- Future.
- Past.
- Bills
- Friends, Family and Love

Six Things I Do Before I Fall Asleep:
- Brush my teeth
- Change my phone alarm
- Check emails n Facebook
- Gaze at my glow in the dark stars on my ceiling
- Check Phone and msn
- Snuggle up in my doona n sleeeeppp

Five People Who Mean A Lot:
- My mummy
- Toni
- Sarah
- Cassie
- Katie
- Chris, Kate,Caz...(dude u cant make me put only 5 ppl pfftt..feel loved ppl, feel loved)

Four Things I'm Wearing Right Now:
- Wassss wearing my uggies but sum1 stole them...u know who u are!
- aussie singlet
- short shorts
- silver heart necklace

Three Songs I Listen to A Lot:
- Love Games- Lady GaGa
- Electric Feel- MGMT
- INto the night- Benny Mardones (oldie song but i lufs it)

Two Things I Want to Do Before I Die:
- see most countries in this world
- Have kids

One Confession:
- i just confessed everything my brain can think of right now so pffttt to that one!
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