Jun 08, 2005 13:37
actually i have have only one home boy with me but its funny neway. yeah im just hangin out with my cousin and shit like that. ok if any more bitches wanna post shit like that then atleast give me a name. for christ sake is some one is too much of a panzy to give ME a name then thats not saying much on there part. i mean fuck, im fucking tiny and noone in the world should be scared of me. on the other hand i dont believe ther is such thing as a fair fight so i would be lethal. but yeah my time in the sticks has been funn so far we rode dirt bikes all yesterday. watched movies and played black jack. we gambled and i got got whooped in the ass by a 12 year old. we really didnt do much else hopefully we get to go somewhere today. but im only hoping. i listened to this thing on my cousins comp. that was side splitingly comical. it was a darth vader orgasm. and star wars sex toys it was fucking hilarious. yeah i think i have gas and i dont feel very good so im gonna split.
-there was a lizard walking through the jungle looking for some weed
i like to tango