(no subject)

Oct 14, 2005 19:35

well last night was the powder puff game and it was a lot of fun. of course the seniors won, but it was still just fun being out there. i got to dress up in a little cheer leader uniform and put my hair up in pig tails and put pink hair color in it. a few moms and a bunch of girls thought i looked cute. beau says that while he was sitting there there were people he didnt even know saying stuff like "look what jeremy is doing now" or "omg jeremy is so hot" and "god hes crazy". thats all according to beau. i tried yo pull off a stunt in the pep rally and my spots didnt hold me and i fell horribly to the ground and noone even tried to catch me. thanks guys. but i did a lot of front handsprings and cart wheels and we made a piramid and all kinds of stuff. but like only 4 cheers. ahh and the spirit of home coming, The Bull!!!!!! there is a huge stuffed bull that is the size of a real one that the juniors were going to use as there mascot as a surprise to every one. but before the game, the seniors got into beaus car and stole it. so all night (during the game) the junior cheer leaders were trying to find out how to get it back. so we ran across the field amd tried to steal it, and we got half way and the seniors just so happened to have vincents fastest track runner on there cheer squad. so we failed at first. but the second time, while the play was going, we sprinted across the field then andy and cale carried it, while me and tim hit the other cheer leaders trying to get it. so we got the bull back. and remember this is a life size stuffed bull. but needless to say the crowd got more into the bull capturing than anything. but then come half time, because we got so embarased in the pep rally, we told the seniors we were doing a cheer, so they did "lets go seniors lets go ::clap clap:: and then that was it. then we got out there, and got jeremiah was a bull frog playing on the loud speaker and did a whole dance routine. the crowd went nuts. especially when i did my michael jackson stuff, and when i leapfrogged over every one of the cheer leaders one at a time (if you dont get that...jeremiah=jeremy...leap froging=jeremy was a bull frog) got it? and then the bon-fire was boring after the game.

so for today.....

i recieved lots of praise for my performance last night (did i mention that me and cale made all the moves our selves?) i have a terrible ache in my back where i pulled a muscle at the pep rally. then its time fir the parade. well beau drove in the parade with signs on his car that say "vincent bums" and to strutt that we got the bull back, we tied it to the top of the car, and i sat out the window holding its head up to every one, and throwing candy. i wore my cheer shirt and beaus yuck fou hat. we blasted techno for all to hear. then the homecoming pep rally was starting when we got back to school. i took the massive bull on my shoulders with the help of zak kaiali, and we took it into the pep rally and used it for a chair (its quite soft) so i think thats it as far as i can tell. ill see you guys on the flip side.

-the sad faces stare at me while i do number two. man im a sinner and gods a pervert
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