Rantings from the bonfire

Apr 16, 2007 01:05

There are days when you simply have to realize the importance of allowing for prayer to just be answered in the way that a more capable Uncaused Cause can make it to be instead of your own human foibles. You want it one way, He wants it another and it comes out better.

God 1, Phil 0

Hey, route for the better team, I always say.

Thank you all for coming to the Cemetery Potluck III:

cerberus777, Sarah, Amy, Amanda, Becky, dharmata101, oldsmobile_mike, Landon, Richard and me. Oh great I thanked myself. How "brain-dead".


I was expecting chronosdc to be a quiet affair for me, just a few friends and that was it. Little did I know what Someone Else had in store: The Return of rotting_relic!! That means more fan political and religious conversations to wile away the hours of gothdom and more of the darklight kind! I mean of course to get to see groaninggirl (haha got a ticket from YOU this time!) and violinpadraic is always fun, but this was a very special and long-overdue treat for me and an indirect answer to prayer (ohhhhh he is going to cringe over that!).. Small but intimate as I expected.. until urgote showed up and inadvertantly guided the entire VNV crowd with him (though he himself did not go to that show) and the crowd went from 15 to 1500 in 15 minutes! (Exaggeration is gothily logical, deal with it)

The "concert of the millenium" (which, as we all know, was really Vaakevandring, poor misguided souls that thought otherwise must be gently brought back to the reality of the situation immediately) dumped itself onto chronosdc, the music, which was lovingly guided by the rather normally-dressed dj_dirty_b, turned a bit more commercial, and the entire Scene was there. Literally. I mean everyone from Will to Rabbit to dharmata101 to lossofsignal to rivetangel and devilmaykill (thanx for the great talk, though you probably don't remember it), to the ever-awesome prosector, what an amazing time! And great talks with people and a very nice surprise from prosector's half-Ukrainian friend Andriy(sp?) who might have something for our Scene very soon..


those_who_mourn study went well among our immediate crowd, namely cerberus777, urgote, Amy, Amanda, Becky and normal_dan. Talk was on sacrifical love, agape, and more confirmation on the Theme of Love to continue in this rant later..

I left with urgote and normal_dan to go to Silver Diner where we saw an episode of The IT Crowd, a new British comedy which was, well, interesting..

Then I couldn't find my house keys.


I had a very VERY hectic day, made even worse by the loss of my entire set of keys. I couldn't find a ride to Tysons Corner to go to church to relocate my keys, so I wound up calling a cab to take me to Duke Street in Landmark where my car was finished. $800 (7700 SEK) later, I have a new transmission and clutch. I drive off to drive up to Tysons to only discover my keys were not there nor reported. Not good.

I went to the Metro, went into Ballston Commons Mall, where I was on Friday (and saw Osiris the now-dubbed Mall Rat [that was so evil]) and nobody reported my keys there either.

I left there to go to Ben's place, someone I know from Frontline, and he and I went for Afghan Kabob. Qaubili palau = THE YUM!

From there I left and went to Kinko's at Court House, jammed about online while printing this:

And found out I became Metal Myth on my favorite message board in the world (due to passing the 10,000 post mark! WOOOT!); what a nice treat! Ok I have no life, but it's a treat..

Then off to dcmidnight to hang with folk and do some last-minute promo for the Cemetery Potluck. I did see quite the elegant crowd of Gothic Wonders, namely belladonnas_web, verlise, sameoldtune and Virginia, Rachael and dreammuse. And wouldn't you know rotting_relic was there again for the second time! He's back!!! Also saw Ken, Saul, Jay/Jason/J/whoever he is, dharmata101, oldsmobile_mike and clear_23, Helen, gelfjenn, zekebathory, groaninggirl and violinpadraic, cerberus777, urgote, kat928, and my backpack! And a very VERY big welcome back to Wes, always a blessing to see you again (and even more confirmation for prayer!)

Oh yeah I forgot to mention I went to Strangeland Records and bought the new Apocalyptica. Sweetness!! Gorgeous music indeed!! Why aren't more Goths into Metal? Or at least, why aren't they more OPEN about being into Metal and change the scene here? I asked this before, didn't I?


Yeah, still no keys, at least I have a car, but no keys (except the car key of course), and ack! Late for Cemetery Potluck!

I am off to getting there, was beaten only by Amanda and Becky and everyone arrived literally right after me. We were there, and...

..we left because it was raining. Who does Cemetery Potlucks in the rain anyway?

We went to Richard's place and attempted to play the game of Goth, but it was too complicated for us to figure out, so it wasn't happening. dharmata101 led a talk (almost call it a "sermon" if you wanted to) on compassion, and it was a total confirmation on what our those_who_mourn study was on Friday night (the same night his band was playing as well, which makes it even more divine!). He and Landon had a lengthy talk about theological comparators between traditional Christianity and Buddhism, which was interesting to say the least, as well as Amanda's fantastic meatballs and mac-and-cheese. And yes, to my beloved memory of my beloved Evil Twin: someone brought the bucket of chicken! I brought pepperkakor, we ate, talked, and had freakishly weird conversations of course, lasting for hours but what seemed like the blink of an eye.

Pics forthcoming?

Then off to church some of us went and met up with urgote and normal_dan. Then from there we went to Silver Diner where we were joined by dreammuse (and FLUXX!!!) and Mike the Marine for a very wacky but fun game of Fluxx! More Fluxx to the people!!

And now I'm home, after witnessing a fire in someone's yard due to a downed power cable and of course calling 911 (it was not far from myruiner and cheetahdave's place)

Great to see prayer answered in ways I did not expect but hey, who's complaining if you're a Metal Myth who braved a Cemetery Potluck in rainy weather with friends, old, new and dead?!


car drama, vaakevandring, apocalyptica, fluxx, silver diner, house drama, endtime productions message board, cemetery potluck iii, those who mourn, church, chronos, fire, event, pics, metal myth

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