Dec 05, 2004 10:12
Due to my Mom's obsession with that stupid CBC greatest Canadian thing, I've been thinking alot about being Canadian.
See, as you all know, I don't want to live here. Period.
But I think I actually like being Canadian. I know, I know.... what a realization. But its weird. Going overseas sort of made me realize I am very much a Canadian, and no matter where I end up living, I always am going to be Canadian. This simple fact was difficult for me to truly comprehend because all my life I've pretty had wanderlust and wanted to be anywhere but home. See, I'm going to live in another country, but I'll never really belong to that country or that culture the way I belong to this one. Last night I was indulging in what is still one of my favorite books ever, Anne of Green Gables. I love this book. And looking back as an older reader, an English student, and an aspiring writer, I can appreciate it for being a very good piece of literature. Although I admit that the romantic child within me squeals with delight every time Anne and Gilbert get together. But reading it, that book is just so Canadian. Really it is. And I love it. And I love being a part of this culture. Some aspects of it I don't like, but the more I think about it, the more I'm amazed that we have retained so much cultural difference between us and our neighbour. Just look at that, I spelled neighbour with a 'u'. See. I can't deCanadian myself, if even if I wanted to.
But you know what? Its fucking -28 degrees outside with the windchill. I fucking HATE the Canadian winter.