Shrew: Finding a space?

Apr 12, 2009 20:47

So FightGuy & I went up to Elmira Theatre Company's space today.

I have to say, dear gods, but I wish we did Musketeers there instead of St. Jacobs.

Drawbacks: It's in Elmira. There's no proscenium. If you're backstage and not in the greenroom, you have to be QUIET, because the sound carries really well. They don't have blacks, so we'd have to deal with that ourselves, if we needed them.

Advantages: 40' wide, by 24' deep. 24 channel programmable board, with 40 dimmer circuits and a lot of lights (the lighting guy that was there was new and was still inventorying the lights - I'm getting a list soon). 5 pipes for the lights, with another 3 outlets in the back of the stage at ground level that can be hooked into the board. Sound system (2 CD setup, as opposed to the computerized stuff we've been using with KWLT), with 2 speakers, with jacks & more speakers if we want them. Greenroom has a washroom that's dedicated for the actors. We can use their risers & flats - risers - return to the way they were, flats - don't cut, don't wallpaper, otherwise, sure, whatever. We can screw to the deck!!! Raked seating - roughly 152
seats. The space is available for the summer 2010 slot I was aiming for.

It's about $500 less per week than the Registry, without the extras that Registry charges. It is entirely doable - if we can get 100-120 people at St. Jacobs, we can get that in Elmira. Current figures put it at needing about 13 people per night to break even for the space, and the space is the biggest cost.

I'm now working on getting buy in from the current stakeholders for Shrew, but...yah, I think I've found the space.

shrew, good thing, production

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