Walk #1

Apr 28, 2008 09:30

Okay - so I did the first official "long walk" to kick off training on Sunday. cielf and insaint joined me. Just shy of the 8 mile target (due to a miscalculation on my part of how long it would take the boys to come get us) - call it 150 yards shy. Overall, I was happy. Weird thing, though we agreed mechanics made sense - my hands started swelling to the point where it was harder to make a fist (I still could, but it required effort) and I'm glad I took my rings off part way. By the end, I could have committed a crime and left no fingerprints, my hands were that swollen.

By the end of the day, I noticed my hip joints were reasonably sore (functional, but not happy with me). No foot pain (YAY!).

Today I'm feeling some of the hip pain still, but primarily my ass hurts. I'm clever - I scheduled a lunchtime massage for me, so I should get some relief there.

All in all, I'm very pleased with how things went.

walking, cielf, insaint, walklog08

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