Yesterday truisms & amusment

Nov 02, 2004 11:43

During line notes for Caesar, the SM told me, "You didn't say 'indeed' at the beginning of this line"

"I *thought* I had...I said it in my head. Sorry!"

My director pipes up with, "Nita, unfortunately, no one else can hear the voices in your head."

"Not true! - J (a former SM of mine, who's also in the show) can." (J. nods acknowledgement of this)

This morning, I started rambling to myself of other people who seem to be able to....much_ado, J, woodardp, chk, mnrk, clief, quicktongue, theAngel....

You know, when the list starts getting this long, it's time to start considering rezoning your head as a brownstone...

johnofnotrades, cielf, much_ado, chk, friends, woodardp, theangel, theatre

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