I'm a geek

Jan 05, 2010 11:27

These are cool.

Shorecrest HS challenged their cross town rivals (Shorewood HS) to make a better video with their respective AV clubs.

Both are lip synchs. Both are done in a single take.

Here's Shorecrest's:

image Click to view

Cool, huh?

Here's Shorewood's response:

image Click to view

Older music, but dude - it's BACKWARDS.

Apparently one of the kids in the AV club filmed his classmates singing the song forward, watched the video, then taught them how to sing it phonetically backwards so that the lip synching looks forward.

Apparently Shorecrest is working on a new video to top this.

DUDE. Kudos to the kids for the work. Kudos to the teachers for encouraging their kids to work hard & cooperatively to get this kind of work and using the rivalry as this kind of incentive.

I'm such a geek - I think this is brilliant stuff.

And Rachel Maddow continues to rock my little world for being a geek herself and showing me stuff that makes me smile.

url, geek, rachael maddow

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