One last reminder - still looking for donors

Aug 28, 2009 09:51

Hi all,

I am once again this fall (eep - in a few weeks!) doing the Weekend Walk to End Breast Cancer. As many of you know, cancer has touched my family in a lot of ways, and the good folks at the Campbell Family Institute at the Princess Margaret Hospital in Toronto have been doing a lot of good work and excellent research into breast (and other female) cancer.

This is a 60 kilometer walk. It takes 2 days. It lasts roughly 6 hours each day on average. Last year, there were just under 5000 walkers and probably half that again in volunteers helping to keep the walkers hydrated, fed & safe. We raised $13 million dollars last year. That's a lot of money, but as many of you know, it takes a lot of money to do real research and to care for people who are really sick.

The folks who organize this ask for a commitment from each walker - raise at least $2000. I'm close to that goal this year, but I'm not there. Please - I know that times are very tough right now, but I have to ask one last time - if you can spare any money for this cause, I would appreciate it. For myself, for the men & women that I'm walking with, for the folks who will benefit from the money we raise, and for the people I love, so I never have to hear another one of them have to tell me they have cancer, or hold their hand while they go through chemo & radiation.

My page on the site is here. If you can donate, I'd appreciate it. If you can only cheer me on from the sidelines, I will gladly accept that as well.

Thanks for listening.

walking, fundraising, cancer

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