It's Fridya!!!

Jan 30, 2009 16:07

I've been doing rather well this week on sticking with my new study plan.

The Study Plan:  Work all day.  At 9:00 pm every night, stop work.  That way, I can get work done during the day, and yet have free time to look forward to/work towards every night.

It's worked well this week.  It's formal recruitment this week, and so the schedule was a little messed up (and a lil busy), but it's worked so far.  Today was a bit of an acception, because it's Friday, and I had some stuff to do for this evening.  But now I'm working on my last application for grad school, and it should be done by tomorrow... thank God. :o)

So, on a completely different subject, today is Bid Day!  I'm really nervous, because I've never really put anything into formal recruitment before.  I just never really cared.  I don't know whether it's because I'm graduating this year, or whether zta is just more fun for me than it was in the past, but whatever the reason I've been really excited this whole week.  And today?  I'm super excited but super nervous.

There are a bunch of great girls going through, and one or two that I really want to be a part of zta, and so I'm just hoping I see them walking down the Ave. this evening.   *bites nails*

Yeah, so that's about it.  Getting some of my nervousness for bid day and frustration over grad apps out... and celebrating my pretty good success on my new study plan :oP

Oh! Just fyi, I've been looking for some good Kaname/Yuki fics for Vampire Knight, but apparently that pairing isn't very popular (even though or maybe because it's canon).  So I was losing hope.  BUT! I finally found a good fic!  It's short, but I'm enjoying it.  The author wrote two more really short fics for Kaname/Yuki, so I'm going to have to read those later... but I'm spacing it out, 'cause they might be the only good fics I ever find :o(

life, vampire knight, work

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