Multi-Fandom Squee...

Jan 25, 2009 00:18

As can probably be seen in the past few entries, I've totally failed with trying to limit my intake of manga and/or anime this semester.  In fact, trying to limit the new manga/anime has probably only served to increase the amount of newly inspired fangirling.  As much as my inner college student is weeping over this, the more awesome me is rejoicing.  Over the past week and a half, I've watched/read/looked into: Cardcaptor Sakura, Itazura na Kiss, Desire Climax (I was totally going to keep this one a secret, but I can't... I'd give it an "X" rating, but I'm not so secretly fascinated by it :oP), Ceres Celestial Legend, renewed my love for KakaSaku, and fawned over Princess Tutu many times.  Last night was spent becoming absolutely fascinated by Vampire Knight, and tonight I've started watching my shiny new Inuyasha Season 6 dvd's.

So, to keep this post somewhat organized (if that's possible while fangirling over multiple fandoms at once) here is some structure:

Vampire Knight: 
I've heard about this manga for a while.  But I haven't started to look into it until now.  Why?  Because after Twilight, I was really, really hesitant to look into any other series that had to do with Vampires.  I'll admit it, I think the vampire myth is great (although, to be honest, Werewolves trump all).  But I don't think what some people have done with it is great.  Thus, I'm hesitant when delving into new vampire territory.  However, I succumbed.  Over Christmas break I read a few chapters of the manga, and found I liked the art, and the characters were kind of cool.  Then grad apps happened, and I got sidetracked.  A few days ago I stumbled across some cool icons of Vampire Knight, and so started my renewed interest in the series.  I decided to see if the anime was any good, and so the whirlwind of a new fandom began... There will probably be multiple posts about Vampire Knight here in the future.  It is my newest manga obsession.  You've been given due warning.

*dances around the room*  Okay... so I haven't watched Inuyasha in a very long time.  And I'm ashamed of myself.  But Princess Tutu pretty much took over my fangirl-self over Christmas break.  But as soon as season 6 started playing on my tv, I fell right back into my old habits.  And I'm not kidding.  I'll be honest, I was literally dancing around the room when Inuyasha tried to beat Hojo up in one of the episodes, and replayed the part where Kagome's family thought what she and Inuyasha were doing was "inappropriate for children to see" multiple times.  And Souta trying to do Iron reaver soul stealer?  Umm umm... Souta is a new favorite character.  So yes... it feels wonderful to be watching/reading Inuyasha again.  I feel like I've never stopped watching it (or, rather, that I'm watching it for the first time again).  I guess that just goes to prove that some things were meant to be...

Ouran High School Host Club:
So I thought that the next chapter was supposed to be out today.  But apparently I was wrong (or people are incredibly slow with getting the next chapter posted?).  I'm excited for this chapter because in the last one, (THIS IS A SPOILER!!! WATCH OUT!!!) Tamaki finally admits he loves Haruhi and he's loved her for a while now.  SOOO!! That made me extremely happy, and I just want to see what happens next.  I have no idea what's up with the manga besides what's posted on, so I'm wondering what the rumors say about what's going to happen next with the series... I'm excited.

Ceres Celestial Legend:
I like Yuu Watase... and I think this series if interesting.  But I jumped around the manga like a jack rabbit on crack.  I think I got the main gist of it (it's not too hard to figure out), and I like the main couple and was sad with some things that happen at the end (but not really, if ya know what I mean... it's complicated??? :o/ ).  Overall I like the series, but I was too impatient to pay very close attention with my other fandoms screaming at me.  I'll probs go back to this manga at another date, but for now I might give it a rest... I'm still waiting for FYGK to come out (still sooo loooong to wait for the next chapter!!!! *cries*), and that's my fav. work of Yuu Watase's to date (not that I've read everything by her...).

Desire Climax:
Okay, since I already revealed that I actually read this, I might as well say something about it.  Right?  So yes, this manga is mature (and for very good reason).  But it turned into a guilty pleasure.  I was hooked for the two nights it took for me to read it (and a few nights later when I reread some favorite parts).  The manga is horrible in the sense that it has some very "bad" plot lines... such as implied/assumed incest, sex, jerky guys, sex, pimp daddies, sex, hidden/forgotten pasts, sex, and extreme guilt complexes.  But, of course, it's like watching a train wreck.  I liked the "heroine" of the story for the most part (except for the fact that she gave into the male lead too easily most times), and as jerky as the main guy was I was oddly hoping for him to turn around and get with the heroine.  Yes, it's kind of graphic in some parts, but whatever, get over it.  At one point the heroine's brother acted like he was into her, and then everyone's identity gets screwed up and questioned when parts of the forgotten past are revealed, and more incest is implied (however, don't worry for those of you out there who aren't into incest - I'm not either - incest never actually occurs in the manga (umm... except for one tiny incident which means nothing in the long run)... mistaken identity is also a huge part of this manga *cough cough*).   Anyway, I've probs babbled on for too long about this manga.  I would recommend it, just for it's soap opera good-ness and high guilty pleasure ratings.  The redeeming aspect of this manga if it just sounds like a bunch of bull so far?  The jerky-ass guy actually changes as the manga progresses (*gasp* character development?!).  In the end, jerky-ass guy actually shows his guilt and the girl actually ends up on top ;o)

Cardcaptor Sakura:
I have not really done anything new with this lately, but decided that I'm going to read it after I'm done with Vampire Knight.  As I was looking more into the series, I started to develop a fangirly crush over it.  So yes... I'm a bit curious as to what happens in it, and I'll be returning to it asap.

Princess Tutu:
No new news about this fandom, really.  But I felt like I had to put it in here because it's my second greatest love (besides Inuyasha - and, actually, Fakir/Ahiru is probably tied with Inuyasha/Kagome as my greatest OTP of all time.)  But last night an OTP song for them started playing and I started to cry in the presence of company *is not ashamed*  The same song started playing today whilst I was shoe shopping at Kohl's and it took some major shoe distraction to prevent the fangirl from surfacing in public.  I succeeded... if barely.  So yeah, good times!! :oP

Chrno Crusades:
Okay, no I have not started reading this yet.  But I've seen some fanart of it and I'm wondering if I should look it up soon.  Anyone else read this?  If so, do ya recommend it??  I'm just curious about some opinions before I blow off yet more work to get into another fandom.

Okay, I think that's about it.  Sorry for the long post and the randomness.  To be honest, I just needed to get some spastic stuff out in the open before I exploded, as well as see if anyone wanted to join in :oP.  I'm doing better with not going all fangirly in public, but, in return, I have to let it out some time.  And LJ is here to catch me when I fall ;o)

So thanks for listening, hope you enjoyed, yada yada, I'll let y'all go now ;o)  *hugs*

cardcaptor sakura, manga rec, inuyasha, vampire knight, fangirling, princess tutu, ouran high school host club, manga

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