write me a poem that speaks of our timelessness...

Nov 06, 2008 23:20

I've loved this poem for a while. I got it from my friend at home, and I just recenty figured out it is by Mayda De Valle. I don't know who that is, but I don't feel like figuring it out. For some reason, I liked not knowing who wrote it, because it added a timelessness, or perhaps a sense of mystery, to the poem. At least for me, and I'm a sucker for that.

But regardless, I felt like posting it here because I love it. And for some reason I feel like posting it now... maybe because I'm a cheesy, hopeful romantic most of the time, or incredibly wishful especially now. But whatever. Here it is...

Seduce Me

Seduce me
write me a poem
tell me about the scent of musk at the nape of my neck
that you dream of spending sultry summer days between my breasts
that if you could taste me
it would be mangoes and tropical breezes on your tongue
keeping you up at 2am
for weeks
staring at black ceilings
legs entwined in sheets
wiping your brow
wondering when the next will be

Seduce me
write me a poem
drop those weak pick up lines
and overwhelm me with quotes from Nerudas 100 love sonnets
tell me i walk in beauty like the night
trace the lines in the palm of my left hand
decipher then read and whisper their meaning to me
tell me my life line crosses your destiny
imprint your words on me like overnight scratch marks
leave butterflies in my stomach
with honeysuckle syllables
that remind me of first kisses
and holding hands at recess

Seduce me
write me a poem
that prays my name
and preaches our passion
chant a litany of our lovemaking to come
under your breath
with the faith of withered hands holding rosaries in cathedrals
until images of us entwined in each other
burn themselves inside our minds
like incense at mass

Seduce me
write me a poem
with your eyes
lock glances for a moment
across a crowded room
soft smirk on full lips
and a slow deliberate blink followed by a flutter of eyelashes
that says
damn I wish...

Seduce me
write me a poem
with your body
approach me with the certainty of the tide
move to me without doubt or question
make me your origin
and your destination
let music be the catalyst that lets our bodies meet
spin me in and out of conga rhythms
lead me into a Coltrane wail
grind me into the bass-line
of between the sheets...
then pull me close enough
to feel our hearts beat together
when we dance

Seduce me
write me a poem
that speaks of our timelessness
remind me it was you I loved in a past life
on some faraway continent
tell me I carry you in my genes
that I can't forget you if I tried
that our memories are engraved into eternity
that time is just a theory to us

Seduce me
write me a poem
that needs no words
compose a silent sonnet on soft bare skin
where your caress on exposed back
speaks that syllable I need to hear you
a poem where melding bodies become the book
where shallow breathing becomes prose
where you

Seduce me
and inspire me to write you the poem
that shows you how to love me


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