Penny for Your Thoughts...

Jun 29, 2008 23:04

It's been a good couple of days.  I'm trying not to think of the week that's coming up... but HAHA!! oops, the week's here.  argh.

Field Day was fun.  It was really humid out, so I got to see how my new haircut deals with the humidity (the hair still poofs up... a lot... but pulling it back is better now since the pony tail turns into just a tiny bush instead of a mini tree of poofiness). Allison and I made over 140 radio contacts in about an hour and a half/two hours, so we did a good job!  I also realized something about myself... when Allison was on the air, I was logging the contacts for her, but at the beginning the guy organizing the Red Cross station (Louis) kinda sat between us and was "directing" Allison as to what she was doing.  So, I kinda tuned out some of the time, and missed some call signs (didn't matter, since Louis was there and logging as well).  When he left though, I was right on top of the logging and getting the call signs.

What I found out?  If I'm the only one doing a job, I do it great.  If I'm not, though, and other people are doing the same work, I slack off.  Maybe it's a "oh, they'll catch my mistake, let me daydream a bit" or a "hell, if they wanna do my job, let them do my job" thing, I dunno, but either way, that's what I figured out.  And I laugh...

Today was spent driving all over to find some syrup (raspberry and hazelnut) for coffee.  Finally found it, so I was happy.  Went to Borders as well, and failed to find a good Russia travel guide.  Do people not go to Russia or something? :oP

Speaking of Russia... this time next week will be my last night in the U.S. for a while... again.  I'm still torn about going to Russia, but I'm hoping that as soon as I go there, it'll all be good and I'll feel better about it.  Walking around GL and spending lots of time with Allison this weekend, and saying "Oh man! We gotta do this next week!" to about 5 different fun ideas, I'm realizing how much fun I really have at home during the summer... despite the long lounges on the couch and bouts of laziness in front of the computer with Inuyasha.  So yeah... missing some fun ideas I've had about summer activities while in Russia is getting me a lil sad and mad about the whirlwind decision to go to Russia.... but Russia will be worth it.  Right? hehe

No, I'm sure it'll be good once I get there.

Speaking of Inuyasha (:oP... sorry, can't escape it) I think I'm gonna start my craft this week.  I wanna finish one this week.  So I think some time tomorrow is going to be spent looking through the manga and anime and picking out some Inuyasha/Kagome pics I want to put on the box... then I just have to find my paints from school so I can paint the box and spend some time relaxing with art.  At least I'll get one summer project accomplished then, right? haha.

Anyway, I think I've been rambling enough for the moment.  Long weekend, so I think I'm gonna head upstairs to bed soon.  See yas! :oP

russia, inuyasha

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