on nail polish and father's day fun...

Jun 15, 2008 23:58

la dida di daaa....

The grandmother's over for Father's Day (dum dum dummm...) and it's always an experience.  She's really cranky today.  I was making dinner, and Dad came into the kitchen making this face.  "She's so depressing," he sighed, and I just had to laugh.  Then he grabbed a beer and went outside to cook the steak.  It's fine having dear old grandmama around, but sometimes she's just so... selfish.  Everything's about her.  All the time.  At dinner we were all talking about it being really really dark outside at some points (old dirt roads when the parents were adventuring when they were young, Ireland experiences) and mom mom couldn't really contribute or something, so she breaks in with, "Did you hair dresser raise the prices of a haircut?  Mine raised it 5 dollars when I went last time."

seriously, it's father's day.  It's not all about you.  When I was done making dinner I didn't know whether to go outside and keep Dad company or to distract the grandmother while mom went outside to keep dad company.  Ohhh family.  Good times.  And the sis is having some friend problems or something (my guess is boyfriend though) 'cause she's in a crappy mood today.  At least she's still here and not out with someone, right?  haha  (jk... she just ran out the door...)

Found a great InuKag fanfic.  Well written, not too dramatic yet, so it's a good time.  Here it is, if anyone's interested.  It's about a baby inu-hanyou who's parent's were killed, and Kagome, and Inuyasha, basically are adopted by the pup, and so so far it's about them dealing with the pup and growing together and learning to live with it, and with each other.  It's really cute, etc., but I'm only on about chapter 10 so far.

Mission: Inuyasha isn't going so great.  I didn't read any chapters of the Manga yesterday.  Don't know if I'll get to it today.  We'll see.  But I'm still loving the radioactive pumpkin nailpolish.  I'm trying to look for reasons to wear it in public, and found one: homecoming.  That's right folks.  I'm taking this neon orange polish with me to school so I can pretend to display some awesome school spirit.  I can't stop looking at this awesomeness that is orange polish.  I'd be embarrassed to wear it in public, but for the fact that I have this strange fascination with it lol. 

family, mission: inuyasha, randomness

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