On Last Semesters Writing and Erotic Windows...

Feb 20, 2008 17:16

So, it's been a funny kind of day.  Lectures were okay, but sooo weird, and then I was too tired, and fell asleep in two of my lectures, and then things are just bizzarre.

An exciting piece of news, that's also really kind of funny, is that I got an email today asking for me to submit two of my pieces from my writing class semester to one of the journals on my campus back home.  Totally unexpected, but I was really excited to see it (considering what I've been feeling/thinking lately... see last entry :oP ).  So I was happy.  There are no garuntees that my pieces will get in, but it means that my proff. recommended the pieces for submission... which is fantastic in my book haha.

The problem?  I looked at the pieces again and now I'm like "I need to edit these a LOT." So we'll see what happens.  I'm not holding my breath (there are still issues with the pieces, and they are both kinda long I think, and I don't have any of my editing notes from last semester with me here in Ireland), but it was nice to see someone thought submitting work was worthwhile (even if he recommended lots of other people as well haha).

So that was that.  And classes?

Talk about bizzarrrrrrre.

So basically, every class today but my history class talked about sex or erotic images or... sex.  lol.  And it was hilarious.  In Irish Lit. traditions we were talking about A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man, and Stephen's sexual thoughts, etc., and the proff was like "and Joyce doesn't allow Stephen to just sit back and enjoy it."  um so yeah, it was kinda hilarious.   I love the prof 'cause he's this old grandfather-aged man who's hilarious, and introduces the class each day by speaking Irish.

And then my Modernism class talked about Amy Lowell and how her poetry was erotic, and centered around sex but most importantly love through sex and eroticism... not pornography.  And we had some Georgia O'Keafe pictures in back of the text of the powerpoint presentation.  So yeah... loverly, right?

And then in writing the image the prof brought up how this one poem of W.C. Williams could be taken in a very erotic way, and it was up on the powerpoint, and I read it and was like "oh shite" 'cause I really liked this poem (The Young Sycamore) when I read it, and then I was like "umm... is this why I liked it?" (jk!).  And it was kinda funny, but then he had to point out all the points where it could be erotic ("whose round and firm trunk" the poem says and the proff says, "now what young woman wouldn't want that?" lol) and had to be very dramatic about it as well.  I was pretty much cracking up, and probably turning red at the same time.  (wanna know the really sad part about reading this poem for the first time through the "erotic window"?  I immediately thought of fanfic... and kakasaku... oh man, I need to get a grip... :oP )

But yeah, so that was my day.  And now I'm going to go have dinner with one of the girls from the Butler program.  Leftovers!! yay!  :oP

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