I'm hearing what you say...

May 15, 2008 11:35

I really feel the need to make an amv for Inu/Kag to the song Apologize... I love the lyrics, and yeah, while the lyrics may or may not go with them, I think it could fit.  And... the tune, yeah, that goes.  And depending on how the final chapters for Inuyasha go, it might be appropriate.  Actually... considering some of the stuff Inuyasha put Kagome through at some points, I think it could be very appropriate... fksldjalksjalj.  Why do they kill me?

ANYWAY... I woke up this morning and noticed a paper had been slipped under the nain door to the flat.  So I went to investigate and saw it was a letter from the university saying that we, the inhabitants of this flat, are responsible for cleaning up the entire flat before we leave for summer.  What that means: We have to vacuum all the floors, mop the kitchen floor, make sure there's no food or anything left, clean the freakin' oven, bleach the freakin toilets, and all this insane stuff that's not our responsibility to do.  Don't they do anything here/  I'm pretty sure that the place wasn't spotless when everyone moved in, and wtf, I ain't cleaning a full year's worth of grime on the kitchen floor.  And if we don't clean up, we have to pay for the cleaning that they have to hire during the summer.  And I'm thinking "This is a university... this is university property... shouldn't they have someone in here to clean the flats for their students at least once a year, between inhabitants?"  So I'm a little thunderstruck, and lil peeved, and a whole bunch of other stuffs that I can't work out right now.

But wanna hear something amazing?  I got up this morning and went to have breakfast in the kitchen (Alix was still sleeping, so I let her sleep).  And Peter was in the kitchen, and he TOOK OUT THE TWO BAGS OF GARBAGE!!!! Omg... like, that was amazing.  It made me really really happy.  And I was kinda shocked for a while.

Anyway, more studying today.  That's all I can do really, today, since the first exam is tomorrow.  Oh man, I'm a lil nervous, but I figure if I study today I might be okay.  urgh.  Finals... And Alix isn't feelin all that great (girl stuff, which sucks) so it could go both ways... but it might be a good thing, since she doesn't want to do anything really today haha.  I feel like I'm mother hen... it's interesting.  It's funny, I never expected that.  But it's all good...

Okay... to studying?  I'm thinking yeah... but the avoiding-the-bad-feeling-of-exams procrastination is kicking in.  I wanna write and surf for fanfic, not study.  argh.  damn college.  I'm thinking I might post some drabbles on my fanfic.net account to cure the procrastination bug... yeah?  hmm...

inuyasha, procrastination is an art, nui maynooth

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