It's enough when I say so...

May 07, 2008 22:10

Oh my goodness... it's so hard to work on school work.  Everybody is outside or (by this time of night) out partying with their summer clothes/Hawaiin print shirts on.  It feels like summer, it sounds like summer, it's finally starting to look like spring with the blooming trees (yeah, weird, but it is Ireland after all, not the States where there are seasons haha).  And I'm here needing to write an essay and study for exams.  Eemmm... not happening...

Anywho... so after that lil paragraph, I have to say this:  this is not the right time to get back into fandoms.  Oh my goodness.  So I spent about an hour and a half looking at Princess Tutu and searching for Inuyasha stuff.  I'm not even joking.  I found some really really REALLY REALLY cute fanfics for Princess Tutu and I was really happy.  Then I might have found a community that has stuff for the Inuyasha manga.  But I'm not sure yet.  It requires more research... but we'll see.  I need some Inuyasha manga-goodness... aahh.

I'm still waiting for the new chapter.  It's supposed to be out soon (like, today or tomorrow...) so I just need to be patient.  I need to read up on the past manga chapters, just to catch up again.  I love the anime to death (not even joking... it's, like, all I watch now) but I'm realizing that the anime and the manga are kinda different.  I mean, there are some great anime epis that I absolutely love, but they aren't in the manga.  And that makes me sad.  And since the anime ended at episode 167, and the manga is on chapter 552... there's a lot that's missing in the anime haha.

BUT!!!!! I heard a rumor that the anime might start again, once the manga is finished.  So, I need to find out if that's true, 'cause it gives me hope that there is a future :oP

Anyway, Princess Tutu is also killing me at the moment.  I love Fakia/Ahiru.  To death.  I can't get enough of them.  Too cute!!! I love them.  They are def. an OTP... And know what makes me even sadder with the Inuyasha thing?  For Inu/Kag I'm feelin some really sad vibes.  Miroku and Sango get their moments, and they are wonderful!! but Inuyasha and Kagome are kind of taking the backburner I feel like, and it's making me really sad and nervous.  They... need to be together.  Or I won't be able to handle it.  It's making me nervous.

Anyway... I'm just babbling and trying to put off the essay.  But I can't.  I have to finish it tonight.  I have about 970 words, out of 2500.  It's not a big essay at all... it's just the spring/summer thing battling the exam thing... you know how it is.

But I took a walk earlier and explored a part of the town I hadn't been in before (it's this big long path, bordered by trees and fields on either side, and at the end of it there's this golf course you can walk in, and it's gorgeous... a little piece of wild... that's nicely manicured by man).  it was pretty, and the sun was setting even though it was 9pm.  I totally forget when the sun sets in summer at home... I actually kinda forget some things about home... which is really really crazy.  I can't remember when the sun sets in summer, but I do know when it rises.  It's really weird.  And it's gonna be weird going back to extremely hot weather... 'cause while it's been warm/hot here, the nights are still really really cool.  So, it'll take some getting used to... but it'll def. be an interesting experience, which I'm excited about.  And then it's off to Russia as soon as I'm used to the states again... oh boy lol.

Okay, enough procrastination... essay time.  Then I can watch more Inuyasha... ahh!!

ireland, inuyasha, procrastination is an art, princess tutu

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