
May 30, 2012 18:09

The highlight of my day so far: Pulling a crow's foot out of a dog's mouth ( Read more... )

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the_ninth_bow June 2 2012, 23:02:36 UTC
Idek. It was weird, 'cause there wasn't even a body around that I could see. It, like, just appeared out of nowhere. And aww lol. That sounds like an adorable combination, grumpiness and all.

I could see how reading and watching it at the same time could get a little repetitive. Idk if I could do it lol. I'm watching season 2 now, so it's nice to read season 1 and get an indepth look at the characters (and fill myself in on things I missed in the series lol). But all of it at once is a bit much. And LOL! Yeahhhhh so many boobs gets a little annoying after awhile lol. I can understand how sex "needs" to be shown for certain characters, character development, or to show the rough world in which these people live, but it does get a bit much. I think it has crossed the line into gratuitous. They need to at least throw in a few more bare-chested me if they're going to insist on having so much sex/nudity in there :P And I wouldn't worry about not liking it... I do enjoy it, but I can see how it won't float everyone's boat. Tbh, if I had seen this a year or two ago I might not have been as into it. I think the "high fantasy" genre comes and goes with me, and I guess I'm just in a high fantasy mode lately.

Finishing your apoca fic would be awesome! It's always nice to finish things, and to revisit the characters we love so much. S7 seems like it's a tricky one. One person I know said there were a few great episodes, but for the most part it was kind of "meh." Idk, I might try to watch it online or borrow it from her if I get the chance :P I am more interested in it now that Carver's coming back and taking over Gamble's spot. The fandom (and show?) just seems like it's such a mess right now, and I've heard a fair amount of Castiel hate lately, and people being all "it's the Sam and Dean show!" and yada yada yada and it just turns me off. Ack, idk. fandom, the good and bad sides lol. But yes, jumping into a new fandom is hard. I'm just wavering on the outside of a few, I think. I love Thor/Loki so that's something to look into, but I'm still super head-over-heels into Arthur/Eames, so idk. It's so hard. I know a few people that use Tumblr to get to know people and for fic and whatnot and i'm just like "Huh?" It doesn't make sense to me. The atmosphere just isn't conducive to keeping fic organized, or really chatting with anyone. So idk. Maybe I'm just out of it.

Yay great essay advice! It's always nice when we get something that helps, even if it's just a little bit. I'll keep my fingers crossed for you as well! :D The Hound of the D'Urbervilles sounds really interesting! Especially since it kinda comes from Moriarty's POV. I might have to look that up!

Lol! But sitting on one's bum is so pleasant! I've been doing that all weekend so far, and no regrets! I do love yoga though. I do it once a week as well, and it helps loosen up muscles and helps me relax, and feels like a little bit of a workout sometimes, so I totally recommend it.


pyjamagurl June 3 2012, 15:14:17 UTC
I don't mind high fantasy as a genre, really, I just can't get into the show like everyone else is at the moment. I think some of it is because I don't care enough about all the characters so can't be bothered with some of their storylines, I don't know. I can understand the need for sex in some people's storylines too, but so much of the time it is gratuitous and I can't be bothered with it. And yes there should be more half naked men to make up for all the boobies ;)

I agree with you completely re:s8. I have been much more interested now that Carver is coming back. I also agree that things seem a bit of a mess lately, (a girl at work said, also that the show is mostly 'meh' she says its nowhere near as good as it used to be) and all the Cas hate that seems to be going on in the fandom at the moment is driving me up the wall so I'm staying out of it! I wish they'd realise that the show isn't just the Sam and Dean show, they need characters to interact with, and just because they have friends doesn't mean they are any less close to one another. *sigh* Thor/Loki is fabulous <3 Arthur/Eames still has a soft spot in my heart too xD With fic and chatting, I think sometimes it depends on the fandom? Like the Teen WOlf Fandom, or the faction I lurk on the sidelines of, they share fic and chatter away at one another, it's not the same atmosphere as LJ used to have I don't think, but it seems to work to a degree for them? I think it very much depends on the fandom though, and that group. But I've been on Tumblr for almost a year now, and that's me only just stumbled on a fandom that shares like that (I still don't think it's on par with LJ though...)

Thank you xD The Hound of the D'Urbervilles is definitely like Sherlock Holmes' cracky twin brother xD

It is! But perhaps bad in big doses too ;) I think I may pester my mum into taking me along next time. I think yoga might do me some good *nods*


the_ninth_bow June 4 2012, 20:09:59 UTC
Yeah... there are a lot of characters to keep track of. I like a bunch of them, but I have a feeling that as I get more into it there might be a few I don't like... some of the Lannister stuff we get into later on I'm kinda like "Whut?" about so idk. we'll see! But yes. I think GoT has crossed into the gratuitous arena. At first I was like "Huh?" and a bit shocked, but now it's just getting to be way too much. Yay half-naked men! :P lol

Exactly in response to the show not just being about Dean and Sam anymore, and it would just make their relationship more meaningful/healthy if they had people to interract with. Not to mention give material for the series to keep going in a fresh and exciting direction.

Ohhh fandom... I miss the good ol' days. :P It does seem very individual, and LJ doesn't seem the same at all as before. But I guess we're lucky to find what we can. But lol tumblr. I'll figure it out someday, or find my niche.

Definitely pester your mom into bringing you!! :D At least to give it a try. That's what my sister's doing. She's not a huge fan of things like that, but she joined to see what it was all about, and so far she liked it.


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