more hurricane talk, a call, and a new tv show...

Aug 30, 2011 21:09

I can't believe it's only Tuesday.  It feels like it's Thursday or Friday, and the weekend should be here already.  Things are kind of still a mess from Irene.  My boss, a few friends in town, and a few clients still don't have power.  And there's a ton of roads that are still closed down, including one bridge.  I spent 20 minutes trying to get to one of my client's houses today, when normally it would take 5.  A huge tree was down, blocking off one end of the street, and the road was blocked before I could get to the other end, so I had to run a few barriers and drive under some loose wires.  On top of that, a person started backing up their car without looking today and didn't stop right away even when I was blaring my horn.  Luckily they didn't hit me, but it was so freakin' close. The woman apologized, and I told her it was fine, just look next time. It's ridiculous.  I don't get paid enough for this.

Also, a few streets are starting to smell from standing water or something. Idek.  It's gross.

Our basement is slowly drying out.  It still smells, but it's not as bad anymore.

On some other news, my aunt that I haven't talked to in close to three years called today.  So I got to talk to her for a bit (mostly to explain how to use Walgreens online photo service thing), and my mom got all the latest news.  Apparently my cousin will get out of rehab in February, my uncle's trying to sober up, and my 13 year old cousin is trying not to lose sight in his right eye.  He"s blind in his left eye already, and whatever nerve damage is irreversible at this point.  So they're going to go to a few specialists to try to save the right one, which is starting to deteriorate.  We're keeping our fingers crossed.

I'm hoping my aunt will make it up here soon so I can see her again.  She said she'd like to, but we never know if she'll actually come up or not.  Her other daughter gave her some stuff to make chocolate martinis, but she's been hiding it in her closet becuase of my other cousin and uncle.  So my mom suggested she come up here and try it out.  We'll see.  This is the first step to getting back in touch.  The next big step will be for my aunt to get in touch with my grandmother.  Epic family fueding is apparently how we do things, so my grandmother and aunt haven't talked in five years.  But... I'm thinking they should just stay astranged for a bit longer.  My grandmother will just mess things up if she gets involved at this point.

Anyway, that's what's happening today.  And tonight is Billy the Exterminator.  It's my new tv addiction.  I didn't want to watch it solely on the name, but it's actually really fun.  Billy is kind of awesome, and instead of just killing things they try to relocate the alligators, snakes, beavers, and whatever else they catch.  Including honey bees.  And when they do kill things (mostly wasps and roaches) they use environment-friendly products, which is awesome.

family, billy the exterminator, weather

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