Fic Master List

Mar 11, 2026 23:02

Supernatural - Dean/Castiel

Bragging Rights
Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG; 3,868 words. Despite the fact that Castiel has spent the last few months fighting the Apocalypse alongside Dean and Sam, he still doesn't quite understand the human need for humor until he's caught in the middle of a battle of practical jokes between the brothers.

A World Without Angels
Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG-13; 3,604 words. As Castiel Falls, he contemplates what the world would be like without angels.

Let Them Seek Peace 'Verse:  A fic in which Dean demands a post-apocalyptic vacation, Sam gets his hunt on, Bobby imparts some wisdom, and Castiel equates mortgages to demons.
     Let Them Seek Peace   R; 14,219 words
     Some Assembly Required   PG-13; 6,017 words
     Kiss the Cook   PG; 933 words

Dog-Walker!Castiel (AU)
Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG; 1,100 words.  Dean hires a dog-walker after breaking his leg.  Adventure with Castiel the dog-walker and Zep the German shepherd ensues.

The Epic Tale of Dean and Castiel (Drawing!Fic)
Dean/Castiel, Sam, Bobby, Lucifer; Light R; ~200 words and 19 drawings.  Castiel the Angel of the Lord and Dean the hunter meet and fall in love.  The Apocalypse begins and ends.  All seems right with the world, but there is something Dean wants...

Dirty Laundry
Dean/Castiel, Sam, Bobby; PG-13; ~1,800 words.  Dean wakes up to find Castiel's developed a new taste for laundry.  Inspired by this picture.

After the Fall (coda to 5.22 - Swan Song)
Dean/Castiel, Bobby, Sam, brief Dean/Lisa; PG; ~3,000 words.  After the end of the Apocalypse, Dean's life slowly pieces itself back together.

Where the World Begins - big bang for spn_j2_bigbang 
Dean/Castiel, Sam, Bobby, a slew of other characters; NC-17; ~49,300.  In the aftermath of a battle against demons, Castiel rescues an orphan girl, who then forms an attachment to the fallen angel. Dean and Castiel taker her into their care, traveling highways and back roads, killing as many demons as they can, while Sam searches for an alternative way to defeat Lucifer. Amidst trying to end the Apocalypse, Dean finds his life a strange combination of broken, crumbling cities and a half-domestic life on the road. In the quiet moments they make for themselves among the chaos, Dean and Castiel become closer not only to each other but to their ward, and Dean finds his life taking a turn in a direction he never thought it'd have a chance to take.

Divine Intervention (AU) 
Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG; 10,532 words.  After making it out of a fire Dean never should have survived, he starts to get the feeling he's being watched. Little does he know that what's stalking him is an angel, and it has a purpose.

Handle With Care (AU)
Dean/Castiel, Sam, Gabriel, Jo; PG; Dean is a UPS delivery man and Castiel is an accountant at Sam's firm. Sparks fly when the two meet and Dean can't help but fake deliveries to keep seeing Castiel again.

Three Men and A Baby (6.02 coda)   
After the first shapeshifter debacle, Dean and Sam find another baby that needs rescuing.  Only this time, they have Castiel to help them out.

Specialty Brew (AU)  
Dean/Castiel; PG; 803 words.  Dean's never had his coffee any way but black.  Castiel decides it's time for a change.

Human Gazing (AU, pre-slash Dean/Castiel)
Castiel, Anna, Uriel, Zachariah, Dean, Mary, John; PG; 1,758 words.  Castiel hasn't gone human gazing for centuries.

Cutting It Close
Dean/Castiel, Sam; PG-13; 6,100 words.  After Dean Convinces Sam to get a haircut, Castiel becomes curious about some aspects of being human.  Dean helps him figure out just what those aspects entail.  Set sometime after season 6.

Humanity Service  (AU, written for d_hearts_c)
Dean/Castiel, Sam, brief glimpses of Anna and Uriel; PG-13; ~16,500 words.  On a mission for Cupid, Castiel finds locating Sam's sould mate more difficult that he anticipated.  Lucky for him, Dean Winchester is more than happy to help and Castiel learns more than he expected.

Other Supernatural (Twitfic/Meme prompts, etc):

Drabble Collection: Hymn - 10 Songs, 10 Drabbles (Dean/Castiel)

15 Word Drabbles  (Various pairings)

Twitfics I (Dean/Castiel)

Apriltwitfic (Dean/Castiel)

Twitfic II (Dean/Castiel)

Meme: Works in Progress (Dean/Castiel)

Apple Pie Life - SPOILERS for SEASON 6  (Dean/Castiel; Projected Season 6 Synopsis & Fic)

Junetwitfic (Dean/Castiel)

Going Down Smooth
Castiel, vessel!Jimmy, Dean, Sam; PG; 790 words.  Castiel doesn't understand the human body's desire for the small things.  Until coffee, that is.     
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