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the_ninth_bow February 5 2011, 22:09:14 UTC
Aw, yeah. I enjoyed it for the funny moments, but largely for the "omg, Sam's back!!!" moments. Because it was great to see Dean looking relieved to have Sam back and then the brotherly interaction again. Which I've missed a lot (which I didn't realize until now? lol) But yess... hopefully now with that big problem out of the way Dean and Cas can start teaming up again instead of Dean desperately trying to bring Sam back and Cas trying to be reasonable. *crosses fingers*

Avoiding spoilers is a fabulous idea. I should do that too... I haven't read a whole lot (I feel like I haven't been online to check them that often :/), but what I have caught recently is either a repeat or an exaggeration *shrugs*

I want to see the angel arc so much!! I'm ridiculous lol. But that's super fascinating to me, and I'd love to see how that plays out. And agreed... it'll be great to see the season getting back on track instead of floundering.

I miss how things used to be, too :( As much as I thought the awkward hug was adorable (but also incredibly sad, imo, on Cas's part), and loled at Dean pulling out the sword, it does have a faint fanfic tone. I think I've said it before, but there's still an element of doing things just for a laugh or whatnot instead of because it's the characters. Hopefully that'll fix itself up soon. (I think we should just start a petition to have Kripke come back...)

Ahh!!! Damn that ocean!!! D: bah, I need a movie buddy. This is no funnnn...

Thanks! :D I'm hoping a quote just pops out at me so I can get to the design part haha.

And I'm still good for beta-ing! As long as I stay on top of my work/writing I should be fine. My workshop schedule actually got moved around with all the snow, so I don't have large assignments due on the same day anymore which helps lots :) How far along in it are you?


pyjamagurl February 5 2011, 22:38:53 UTC
Yeah I love that we have Sam back and how happy Dean is to have Sam back. I missed that brotherly element just as much as I've missed Dean and Cas being the way they were before.

I got to the point, with spoilers, that I felt like I was just getting mad about things and fed up with everyone's overreactions that after the hiatus I gave up. I still know little things, but nothing like I did before, I'm staying out of it as much as I can.

I'd love to see the angel arc, I'm not sure how they are going to tackle so many big things in the remaining ten episodes but I do hope angels come into it more and things get back on track.

I know, I felt for poor Cas (he desperately needs a hug!) but I was kind of flummoxed as to why Cas was so happy to see Sam/tried to hug him when he didn't have that reaction with Dean. While I'm all for Cas getting a hug, how it was handled here felt out of character to me, is all. I've felt a lot of S6 has had a fanfic-ish tone to it, and yes I feel like a lot of things are done for the laughs or for some kind of fandom want/jibe rather than because it is true to the characters. (Can we get Carver back too while we are at it?)

Right? I'd love to have someone to go to the movies with *pouts*

Lol! Pick a Supernatural one? ;)

Awesome! I don't want to give you too much work on top of what you already have! I'm at 11k at the moment but I'm only on the first section (or which there are possibly 8...but Dean and Cas' are the longest, everyone else's will be shorter). I was wondering, if it's okay with you, if I could sent each section after I'm done then we could kind of get through it in pieces rather than one big huge thing (I'm still hoping it won't get too big, even though it seems to be growing exponentially on me and I think I'm going to cry...)


the_ninth_bow February 6 2011, 00:22:55 UTC
Agreed :)

That's the major problem I'm having with spoilers. I just... don't see how they make sense, if they aren't repeats, etc. And I got mad about a few, myself. And dealing with people's reactions is always tough. Especially when it gets... intense (which I feel like is the default now :P) But good for you! God speed :P

Omg, there are only 10 episodes left aren't there o.O I have no idea how they're going to do that. Hopefully they'll do a decent job of it!

Cas does need a hug :( (specifically from Dean.) I figured he'd go to hug Sam because he felt his soul torn apart, thought Sam might suffer with that, and he's seen soulless!Sam reeking havoc (not only on people, but with Dean). And they were friends, and imo it might be more of a light friendship between them than the profound bond he has with Dean. So maybe that relief of seeing Sam alive and whole, and the relief of that struggle being over, as well as the affect of a lighter bond might start a hug (instead of intense eyefucking or meaningful nods... sometimes it's easier to hug someone if the friendship is lighter, and Sam's more of a huggy guy than Dean is, too). Lol, that's just my reasoning. I mean, even though I would have loved for Dean and Cas to hug at their reunion, I could see how Cas would have known Dean was okay (instead of having a shredded soul), so his first reaction might not have been a hug. It still is a little ooc, but I can see where I can make it make sense lol. Hopefully things will shape up as things get more serious. (omg, yes. Carver and Kripke will both be hauled back here kicking and screaming, if need be)

... that is a brilliant idea. I wonder if I could use an SPN quote... hmmmm

Great! And yeah, don't worry about it. If it gets to be too much I'll let you know, but it should be fine. It'll be a good break activity. And wow... it does sound like you have a monster of a fic there lol ;) Feel free to send what you have piece by piece! Whatever works best for you. If it helps you out, even, you can bounce some ideas off me if you're worried it's getting too long (don't cry!!) Whatever you need just let me know :)


pyjamagurl February 6 2011, 18:17:51 UTC
Lol! It's better for my sanity if I do ;) (that being said I am a-okay with my flist spoiling me for flailing purposes xD)

Yup we're past the halfway mark now. I hope they do a good job of it too *crosses fingers*

Yeah I can see Cas hugging Sam because it's uncomplicated and Sam's that softer, reach-out-to-people kind of guy. It was just that it felt off to me for him to be that affectionate when he's been stoic and "returned to normal" otherwise. I'm happy that he was happy to see Sam is fine, and I'd be happy to see him smiley too, I just wish they hadn't "rebooted" him so that when he does show this affection (which I think he would have if they had left him be in S5) it doesn't feel at odds with the rest of the portrayal of him this season. But yes I agree, Sam is easier to reach out to because he knows Sam listens even though I do think he has more in common with Dean and greater, deeper, feelings for Dean.

xD Did you find one you liked?

Okidokie xD Lordy I didn't realise how big it was going to be until I really thought about all I wanted to do *facepalm* And I would happily bounce ideas off you if you like xD I will send the first part soonish (I am hoping to finish part one early next week so it'll be rough but done) and tell you what I was hoping to do. There are some things I'm not overly sure how to tackle (like bringing Lisa into it, because while I want to address Sam making Dean promise to go but I don't really know what I am going to do with her :S) I'm hoping that Dean's part will only have another two chapters tops so fingers crossed I finish that this week ;)


the_ninth_bow February 7 2011, 00:52:14 UTC
Yay for spoiling you for flail purposes! :P Good to know lol

Wow... seasons go by sooo quickly... even when they aren't so completely, undeniably awesome.

Hmm... very true. I can't help but think, though, that Cas isn't completely reset to his former, non-emotional angel self. He's said he doesn't have time for things like that, but that doesn't mean he doesn't feel anything anymore or doesn't want to. In my mind, I can see him feeling things but just not able to show he's feeling them or bottling them up inside. Like at the end of 6.10(?) where he tells Dean he'd rather be with him on Earth most of the time than in Heaven. He looked so emotional there and sorry and I can't help but think he's just... putting up the tough angel image to survive what he has to do and carry out his duties. So maybe that was a moment of weakness for him, where he was so relieved and thought he could let his guard down? Idk, that's what I'm thinking haha

There are so many to like, it's hard to pick one! I'm particularly fond of Bobby's "They're family, they're supposed to make you miserable" quote from 4.21 or 22 :P

Aw! lol, yeah, that can be a problem. It always seems to get bigger the more you write... too many awesome ideas develop! ;) And awesome! :) Send the first part whenever you're ready, and ideas whenever you want. I got a new email that I've been using more often than my other one so I'll pm that to you. hmmm... Lisa can be tricky :/ Boooo... I'm always inclined to just be like "oops! it didn't work out!" because I'm just too frustrated with her now hahaha. I'm horrible. But it's always good when people write her well. I'll try to help with whatever I can :)


pyjamagurl February 7 2011, 10:34:30 UTC
I admit I do think Cas is putting up a front. I think I am just letting myself get bothered with it because he keeps this front up with Dean but not Sam (though I can actually understand why he does that--Dean's all about the tough front that Cas easily slides under when he's with him...Sam's softer and more in touch with his feelings, and Cas emulates what he knows). I do, at times, feel like they are faffing about with him rather than trying to give him true character progression. I just hope they do him justice and that he will be in it more.

That's a good quote xD

It does! *hides* Cools, I will send stuff your way soonish then ;)
I don't mind writing her really (because there's no way she's going to end up with Dean where I'm concerned) but yeah I am frustrated with her now too and while I know one conversation she can have with Dean, I don't know what else to do with her xD Hmm...I'll tackle it when I get to it.


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