Nov 02, 2010 23:34
I'm excited. Why? Because tomorrow I have a presentation. The presentation itself is not cause for celebration (quite the opposite, in fact), but once I'm done with this presentation I'M DONE WITH BIG PROJECTS FOR AN ENTIRE WEEK. In other words, I'll have a week where I don't have anything due but regular homework. No essays, no stories or novel excerpts due, no presentations. Nothing but reading and editing. Thank Chuck.
Plus, I'm going home on Thursday because my cousin's getting married on Saturday. And I bought a new dress for the occasion and I'm excited to just be home instead of this city. Woo! \o/
But anyway, the [main] point of this post... I feel like I've been out of LJ for a while (aka: absent), so in an attempt to get back in touch, it's meme time :oP
I can't remember where I saw this one, and I didn't copy and paste the actually meme, but anyway, paraphrased here it is:
Ask me to take a picture of anything in my life and I'll give it to you. It could be a picture of where I write, of my bookshelves, of my favorite tree in my backyard, the oldest, crappiest piece of clothing I own (and possibly still wear :P), or whatever and I'll take a pic of it for ya and post it. And since I'm going home this weekend, it could be from my home in NJ or right here in Boston where I go to school.
So yeah, just some fun stuff... and I get to take pics ;o)
I'm going to be doing a music share post probs over the weekend, too. (I have a 4 hour bus ride, so I'll be uploading stuff after I figure out scheduling and thesis info for next semester). So I'll have presents for you guys soon.
Anyway, I think that's it. I need to go look up articles to give my presentation some semblance of intelligence. Eww. So I'm off for now ;o)
dear flist,
procrastination is an art