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pyjamagurl September 25 2010, 18:50:02 UTC
Dean was my favourite thing about this episode <3 I love that he was still Dean, I admit I had been very worried about him and I was glad to see him and to have him voice so many of the concerns I had over hiatus :)

I loved the opening. It was very poignant and I loved how it painted this parallel between Ben and Sam...I liked that it reinforced that Dean is staying there because of a promise and because of this innate need to protect, rather than because this makes him happy.

I am totally wondering what is going on with Sam.

Don't like Samuel very much. He's up to something...and I can't help but wonder why he brought the Campbells all together. I did like the girl though, it was nice to see someone come in and tease Dean, it was amusing.

Lisa didn't do much for me. I don't really see a connection between her and Dean. They are both living this relationship for different reasons with ultimately the same core. Dean's doing this to protect them, the family unit, but it comes down to how much he cares about Ben. Lisa does it because she wants a father figure for her son. I still feel like Lisa doesn't really understand Dean though, and that by saying that the year they spent together was the best of her life makes me feel like she didn't really see what Dean was going through.

I loved the scene with Bobby and have written something very similar in fanfic. Poor Dean. But yeah the scene in Bobby's house was one of my favourites.

I am so ready for Cas to make an appearance but I got why he wouldn't fit in this episode. I just hope they really make up for it when he does show up xD

So, uhm, yeah. I wasn't blown away by this episode but it wasn't nearly as bad as I was anticipating xD


the_ninth_bow September 25 2010, 21:48:12 UTC
Same here :) I was expecting to go in and see him be all happy in suburbia or soft or something. Instead, we get a confused, still broken, struggling Dean. He's been forced into a corner and he's trying to make the best of things, and trying to take responsibility for his mistakes. It's incredibly sad, but I still see Dean in him and I'm relieved :)

And yes... that's another thing I was SO HAPPY about during this episode. I really don't have a doubt now that Dean's there because he needs to protect and fix his mistakes, but he's not happy doing it.

Lisa... yeah, I was actually kinda happy with this, too. Oddly :P I mean, I kinda see there relationship being as a "hey, we both want something the other has/is, so why don't we pair up," but they aren't in love with each other. Dean's staying bc he thought he wanted a family (or because others thought he did), and Lisa wants him to stay because she wants a father figure for ben. Her comment on how the past year was the happiest of her life struck me as actually really telling... it comes right after she says she wants a father figure for Ben. And I think THAT'S what she was referring to... not the fact that Dean was with her or she had something special going on with Dean, but she saw her son looking up to a father figure. I mean... Ben's father is a biker dude she didn't have any relationship with, and we don't know of her having any other relationships, so I can see how she'd want Dean to stay simply so her son can have a father. I understand that, and I kinda like it (from the shippery standpoint), but I think it's selfish of her. (because yes, I agree with you that I don't think she really knows Dean, or really understands what he's going to be going through now that Sam's back... she's thinking of her son and what maybe she's always been wanting for him-a father-and how that will go away if Dean goes off hunting.)

Dean doesn't share his hunting life with her, he still keeps a big part of him secret and separate from her, and he's staying simply to be a father to Ben and protect them from the danger he's brought upon them. If he stays with them, I have no doubt resentment is going to build. It's inevitable.

Oh Sam... I'm really interested in seeing how his character develops. I don't personally like him at the moment, but I'm still really curious about him.

And yeah... I don't trust Samuel. *nods*

Hee, Bobby made me happy here :D if he hadn't been in this episode I could see how it could have gone really downhill. He was great in it :D

And yeah... I can't wait for Cas to show up. But a part of me is kinda almost a little glad he wasn't in this episode now. If he had been it would have been just a quick hello or a small moment where it was like "oh hey, I'm back!" before he flitted away again. At least when he comes back in 6.03 he'll have an entire episode to reunite with Dean, with Sam & Dean and Dean's issues established already and set aside :) but YES... it better be a good reunion!

Yeah... the episode wasn't my favorite by any means, but I liked it. I'm not stressing out over it. I think it was the start of a new chapter (I'm kinda viewing this as the beginning of a new show), and it established a bunch of new things that are going to happen which was necessary. I think another reason why I liked it was because I expected it to go in a whole other direction... I expected to see Dean and Lisa happy together and Dean almost happy in suburbia, but we didn't get that. I was expecting to hate the episode, so that might be why I was as okay with it as I was lol :P it'll be interesting what we get next week *deep breath*


pyjamagurl September 25 2010, 22:09:49 UTC
Especially after Jensen voicing that he hadn't been happy with the way Dean had been written, I was glad to find he was still Dean and I think a lot of that is down to Jensen and how he acts.

Lol! I liked how it was portrayed too, actually because it set my mind at ease and left me thinking there was nothing to be worried about. I don't see any chemistry between them and I'm fine with that. I think the scene with Lisa was telling. I get that Dean offers a father figure for her son and it's through that viewpoint that this is the best year she's had. What I don't get is, why Dean? She doesn't know Dean. Why did she suddenly decide that after ten years as a single mom that her son needed a father figure. I don't doubt that Dean is a good father figure--I think he has that ingrained in him, despite how he may have slept around in S1-3.
What bothers me a little (that has nothing to do with Dean or ships or whatever) is how she is portrayed as a woman. She strikes me as the type who has now decided she needs a man in her life for everything to be perfect, even to the point of taking in a stranger (because dress it up as you like, Dean is a stranger who she slept with once, and who saved her kid, that was it prior to the end of 5x22)

The one thing I don't want for Dean is to keep telling Sam that he's out of the hunting life. He couldn't keep the hunting properly away for that year. I don't know how he can tell himself he will stay out of that now Sam is back, whether he insists he is protecting Lisa and Ben or not.

I don't personally like Sam very much at the moment either. He's very different and not Sam-like at all (except for the golf club moment, that struck me as very Sam). I am curious as to what they are doing with him and whether we'll get the old Sammy back...

Bobby was wonderful. I loved seeing him torn like that, and his determination to protect Dean and let him live the life he thought he wanted and needed really just drove home how much Bobby loves Dean. I so, so wish they would realise just how big a father figure Bobby is.

I was actually glad Cas wasn't in it either, to be honest. I don't think he would have fitted in with the storyline (and things were a bit jumbled and hurried as it was, stuffing Cas in too would have been overkill--but he was mentioned, and that was happy-making in itself). But I am very much looking forward to his appearance in 6x03 and that he'll get a proper reunion, rather than being thrown in with everything else. Hopefully. I am so, so looking forward to Dean and Cas seeing one another after a year. I just hope they do it justice :)

I liked it too. It wasn't perfect. I'm not stressing over it. There were things I liked and things I didn't. But I feel more peaceful now knowing that Dean isn't as different as I was expecting. I very much liked that Dean wasn't happy in this suburbia, I think they stayed true to Dean by doing that and that made me breathe easy. Lol! I was much the same as you, it wasn't as bad as I was expecting.

Next week, we will be lamenting over how awesome it would have been to see Cas with a baby, no? xD <3


the_ninth_bow September 26 2010, 05:37:40 UTC
Yes! I was actually really happy to hear that from Jensen... maybe he'll knock some sense into the writers. And yeah, I have no doubt we owe a lot of what we saw (and maybe will see) to Jensen. His acting skills know no bounds :P

Yes, what you said there :o) I actually had that same question: why would Lisa accept Dean into her house? Especially with Ben? Why Dean? And my mom actually gave me a pretty good answer :oP She said that from Lisa's perspective, Dean saved her son's life... so, in affect, Dean's proven he can be the protector, and he showed that despite whatever he is, he's still trustworthy in that sense. Not solid, but it's something? But yes, I agree about her portrayal as a woman. I mean... I don't know... She wants a father figure for Ben, and I can understand that, but what else is she really gaining? And yeah, they were strangers so I'm still hung up as to why she accepted him so readily into her home, especially with all that he comes with. I mean, it's hard to be a single mom, but still. And she does come across as a little desperate to have a man (even if it's not just for herself). I don't know... we'll see how it goes (but again, part of me just wants her out of the picture so we don't have to worry about this anymore :P)

It'll be interesting how they handle Dean's double duty... I really don't want to see Sam picking him up at Lisa's at the start of every episode only to drop him off back at her house at the end of it. That's gonna get old really quickly. I'm interested to see how they do this, and a lil worried. But we'll see? Seeing how they end this double duty's going to be crazy interesting... I just hope it ends and that the separation is final, with no "oh God, Lisa was killed because of me! *angst about Lisa for the rest of the series*" or "Well, I'm just gonna go say hi to Lisa and Ben just for kicks since we're in the area." Ack... *is a little nervous* I can't see Dean resisting the hunting life for long, but how that comes about? I have no clue right now.

lol, yeah... the episode was a bit jumbled/rushed... they just had to fit SO MUCH into one episode to kick things off... it's crazy. They djinn didn't even appear until, like, 2/3 of the way through the episode lol.

But yeah, Castiel's return is gonna have me fidgety for the next two weeks. I should stay calm and just not think about it, because I don't want to get hyped up and then let down, but... ah! I can't help it... I know I've said it, but I'm gonna keep saying it, but the reunion better be kick ass! :oP

Exactly :o) Things could've been a whole lot worse, and I'm just so relieved that they didn't go that way.

Ahh! Cas with a baby!! D: Oh man... You had to remind me, lol :oP There will have to be fanfic after this episode *starts plotting*


pyjamagurl September 26 2010, 20:05:09 UTC
Jensen is awesome *nods* <33

Yeah, I get that Dean saved her son and she is very thankful for that and in her (and Ben's) eyes he is a Hero. I understand that, but I still think there's a selfish element to it too, and it came across like she didn't really care for Dean and more the symbol of what he represents to her son.
I do understand her wanting a father figure for Ben, I just wonder why suddenly when he is ten years old when she had been this strong single mom type in S3. I feel like she is still a very flat character and we don't really get a feel like there is anything beyond each of their reasons for being in that relationship. (Which I'm glad of...I'm glad there isn't a genuine connection there. But it makes me just want her off the screen rather than just taking up time).

Nah, I don't want that either. I want for Dean to realise that hunting is his calling again (he's never fully been able to run away from that) and for Lisa to get a little frustrated with Dean leaving. I want them to realise things aren't right and go their separate ways without huge drama or death being involved. I don't want the angst. Not over Lisa. But yeah, I am still nervous about that too.

They did. There was a lot going on and I think that's why it wasn't the best of Season openers (I still liked it more than I did S3's opener, which I just felt was a bit...blah). Personally I liked the Djinn, monster-wise, I'd have liked to have seen them explored in more depth, but I get what they were going for.

Same here! Lol. I don't want to get too hyped up about it but at the same time it is Cas and I miss him! THE REUNION MUST KICK ASS! MUST!!

I'm sorry...but it was totally going to be on my mind the whole time I watch it... Fanfic would be good :D *encourages*


the_ninth_bow September 27 2010, 03:11:50 UTC
Awesome!Jensen icon demonstrates that wonderfully! <3!!

Lisa definitely came off as selfish there. I can understand her motives, but... still. She is thinking about herself, and not about what Dean really needs. (Maybe we'll see a scene where she sees Dean saving someone, and needing to save people, and she tells him to go... because she's realized he's really meant to be hunting :oP)

But yes... Lisa is still being treated as a symbol, and tbh I think for Dean and Lisa they are that for each other... She and Ben are the family (even if Ben has affection for Ben), and he's the father figure. I can't see how they'd take it beyond that, at this point. They set up their relationship in this first episode. (the shipper in me is still cheering since friday :oP) But I totally agree that she should either mean something or just be taken out. She's not adding anything to a show where everything should (and usually does) mean something. It's a shame.

Oh man... I think Dean and Lisa splitting up is the thing I'm most worried about this season. Whether it'll be amicable, a solid split, a half maybe-I'll-see-you-again split, an angsty fiery death split... there's just so many possibilities, and I just... don't want her to be around for the rest of the show. *sigh* The split could be so simple and angst free, and it would still be a source of grief for Dean, if that makes sense. I just hope they don't try to add to it.

Oh, I definitely liked the djinn as well :) It was interesting see the altered form of them... it makes me excited to see what else is coming in terms of monsters (and why they're all like that :)

If I said it once, I'll say it again... REUNION MUST BE THE REUNION TO END ALL REUNIONS!!!!


lol, it's totally ok :oP I need to prep for it. hehe, yay fanfic! :oP I think I'm gonna challenge myself to write it, just for kicks lol.


pyjamagurl September 27 2010, 22:15:24 UTC
I can understand her motives too, and I get what they were going for but I will always side with Dean on this I think. And it bothered me that this woman who he gave up everything for apparently doesn't see all he is going through.

(Lol! the shipper in me has been nothing but happy since Saturday because I just didn't see the Dean/Lisa at all <33 and I don't care if some other parts of the fandom do, I think they are deluded) With Lisa, I still feel a bit like this is Sera forcing her in. I don't think she really fits and forcing that through Dean isn't going to make us like her.

Yes! This is my big fear for the season at the moment too. I don't know how they are going to handle this Dean and Lisa thing. I am with you though, I don't want her around for the rest of the show and I don't want it to be all angsty...I don't want Dean angsting over her, but I have a horrible feeling that's the way it's going to go. I just don't want her to die. I don't want her to become that kind of symbol for Dean too, he would never move on. He would become his father. And I don't want that for Dean...it has always been key that despite Dean idolising his father, he is not him.
I think that yeah, they could have the split simple and angst free and it would be good (and yes, I get what you mean about Dean's grief, it would be him moving on from what isn't his).


I can live in hope, yes?

Yay! I totally look forward to that :)


the_ninth_bow September 29 2010, 05:19:12 UTC
Hmm that's another good point. I mean... I guess Lisa's not really understanding what Dean gave up/went through is just showing the WIDE gap between hunters and "regular" people. She won't understand, she can't understand, and that's going to be something that separates Dean from her and the rest of "normal" society. If he wanted to be someone else, or had nothing left, or didn't want to hunt/didn't feel the need/urge to hunt, maybe that's something he could live with. But we've seen already that he can't. And it's something he's going to have to contend with.

lol! My shipper self (which is a large part of myself :oP) has been jumping for joy as well :) I can understand liking Lisa, or not hating her, but really there isn't a lot of chemistry between them. At least not now, even if there was in the past (which... I don't really see, either). So yeah... delusion is a large part of that for some lol. But yes, I think it's just a gimmick to get a new storyline going... that's what I'm convinced it is, and unless we see a drastic change in their relationship or in Dean's character, I think it will continue to be that way.

Exactly. I don't want Lisa to become Sam's Jess or John's Mary. Because then you see a kind of sanctifying going on, and that's the last thing I want (and I don't think Lisa's character has earned that right, tbh). But oh boy... seeing Dean become his father? I don't want that either. Like you said! Dean idolizes his father, but he isn't him... he can see John's faults and realizes how much of a shitty father John really was, even though he tried his best (I rewatched Dream a Little Dream of Me last night, and that clip with Dean telling DreamDemon!Dean off is exactly it :) So I really hope the writers are with us on this and pay Dean the proper respect they should.

A simple, angst free split would be best. In my opinion, it would pay Dean the proper respect he deserves as a character... I don't know if that makes sense, but yeah... He's been through so much, and we have seen him mature (or try to mature), and I think seeing him realize that this isn't his life, he isn't to blame, that he actually can walk away in favor of finding his own life that he really wants would not only show amazing growth for Dean, but show growth that he deserves and has been working towards the entire series. So... this is what I'm hoping for. *crosses fingers*



pyjamagurl September 29 2010, 10:39:20 UTC
Yesm exactly. There is no way she could ever understand everything that Dean has been though, and I think that serves to distance them. And I agree, I never saw that chemistry even in S3, it just wasn't there for me (though I understood, then, when she said he could stay a little longer because he had just saved her son). I agree with you, and I really hope they go back to writing Dean the way he was before, because changing him to fit this storyline just isn't working.

Exactamundo *nods* I think it would be so completely tragic for Dean to become his father, especially after Bobby yelling at him that he's not his father, that he's a better man than his dad ever was.

I agree, I think it would be better to have an easy split, and for Dean to realise that he doesn't fit that life, it isn't his and things don't need to end shitty just for him to accept that and walk away. I hope for this too! *clings*



the_ninth_bow September 30 2010, 23:24:50 UTC
Mmhmm... yes to all of this. I guess it just leaves me asking where they're going to end all of this. I mean... they better make the split between Lisa and Dean amicable, and I'm really hoping it comes rather soon. And yes, they better follow up with Bobby's "You're a better man than your daddy ever was!" because guh!! Bobby!! *wibbles*

*sigh* yeah, idk... I'm curious, because for Dean, I feel like the focus for him (and the brothers) has been dealing with living with the other, adapting, accepting or not accepting the other... seeing each other as men instead of the boys they were. So it'll be interesting to see if the writers develop the characters in the direction where they are comfy with each other, but still have their own lives. Or... yes? No? I can see Dean manning up and realizing his life is HIS (I think that'll be the biggest character development for him), but it'll be interesting to see how the character dynamics change.

Eep! Geeze, this is such a big thing for the boys, and now that I realize it, I'm excited and nervous lol. We'll see!



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