change of pace...

Apr 12, 2008 22:58

Oh my God... I'm fangirling over a Sess/Rin fic....

But oh my God, it is so good!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*deep breath*

No, it's not citrusy (I don't think I could read that with them... no way), and the reason why I love it so much is because it shows Sesshomaru becoming what I've always seen him becoming... I mean, here's the deal:

Sesshomaru has, from the beginning, said he's despised humans.  And he acted on it in the beginning.  But then Rin came along, and he took her as his child, and he was such a good papa, he still is, and it's absolutely adorable.

Secondly, from the beginning he's said and acted as if he's hated Inuyasha with everything he has.   He's a  half-breed, a creature not worthy of anything, saved from being the last in the hierarchy of things only by the existence of humans.

Sesshomaru never wanted to help Inuyasha or care for him, or help or care for humans.

And yet, he does.  He does care and help both, even though he denies everything.

This fanfic takes all that canon and explains it and turns it into so much more.  Instead of just accepting, it shows him loving humans and half-breeds.

In the fic he mates with Rin, not really loving her, just knowing he doesn't want to lose what he thinks of as his, but then he comes to realize that losing her will cause him to follow her (into death?  possibly...).  And she bears his child... a half-demon child.  Then another, and another... three half-demon children.

And he abandons his search for power for them, for his half-breeds and his human, choosing stability over power and even pride, and that was something he never thought to do.

And omg... great fanfic... I love it.  I'm not a shipper of Sesshomaru and Rin (I don't even know what made me read the fic), but if you are interested at all in Sesshomaru as a character, definitely read this.  It's well written, and it nails Sesshomaru's character perfectly.


oh my... It happened again.  This other fic is great... but it's Sess/Rin again.  My defense?  It's really well written, and umm... yeah.  It's one of the best I've read for the Inuyasha fandom.  Why is it that great fic can be written for my non-otp pairings?

I'm still not a Sesshomaru/Rin shipper.  I think, in canon, Rin is like Sesshomaru's daughter... but for some reason, these fics are killing me.  I love them.  Maybe I'm just intrigued by the way Sesshomaru is portrayed (still stoic, emotionless, intense Sesshomaru that's seen in canon) or maybe I just love the way that Rin is pictured (a strong, independent, still innocent and slightly naive young woman but still strong beyond belief), or even how Inuyasha and Kagome are shown (Inuyasha still stubborn, but devoted and protective of Kagome, who is extremely independent but still extremely loving towards those she cares about).  It's great... I'm gonna go against everything I've probably said or believed, and say that this fic is almost like The Window for Sess/Rin... but then, I haven't read any other Sess/Rin fic, but for me, this fic is what The Window is in terms of emotional attachment.  It's really well written, and the characters and extremely well thought out.  I'm impressed... and trying to detach my shame at actually reading a Sess/Rin fic...  But the fic is great, and it's up there in my top 10 list of fanfics.  Wow... I never thought a Sess/Rin fic would end up in my favorites... even if you aren't a fan of the pairing it's worth a read.

Oh, and if anyone knows a great fic like that for InuKag... please let me know?  I'm still searching... :o(  And that's just pathetic.  Where the hell are the good writers for my otp? 


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