tomorrow: the SPN NJ Con...

Jul 08, 2010 14:13

Supernatural Convention tomorrow!! *flails*

Yeah, the excitement is starting to kick in.  As is the nervousness.  It's gonna be weird to see Misha and Rob and everyone else... but... what?  I'm gonna meet Misha?? I had a mini freakout/flail session this morning, and since then I've been trying not to think too much about it :oP

So idk about what to have ppl sign for autographs... For Misha I've narrowed it down to the Season 4 dvd booklet thing that has the episodes on it, my "Touched by Castiel" t-shirt I got as a gift, or else a pic of Castiel I'm hopefully gonna get printed tonight and see how it looks.  (Any thoughts anyone?)  For everyone else?  I think I'm just gonna buy something at the con... it's stressful coming up with ideas of what to get people to sign, and tbh I don't have extra time to get pics printed of everyone.  *shrugs*  I was dorkily thinking "I should find my bible and get Chuck to sign it!" but lol... i don't think I'll do that.  :oP

Ummm... what else... I'm babbling now because I'm starting to get more nervous.  I just need to relax, breathe, and enjoy the con.

The apartmentmate is coming today... not looking incredibly forward to it, but whatevs.  I'm just hoping she's social and doesn't want to talk about her problems the entire time.  But whatever... start with a blank slate, yeah?

Okay, I'm gonna stop talking.  I need to eat something before picking the apartmentmate up at the airport.  I hope everyone has a fantastic weekend!

supernatural nj con

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