so the plot bunnies ate my brain...

Jun 22, 2010 10:45

So, remember that ferret pic I posted last week?  The one with ferret!Dean and ferret!Cas?  Well, I succumbed, and I've been writing ferret fic :oP lols

I've been posting it at my twitter, and so now I just have to gather it all together and post it here.  So far, ferret!Dean and ferret!Sam have been running the show, but one more part and ferret!Cas will make his appearance.  I planned on finishing it today, but the work schedule has changed (three times so far today), so I might have to wait until tomorrow.  We'll see how tired I am after work.

It's funny, because I was never one for transformation/animal fic, but this has actually been really fun to write.  And the few transformation/animal fic I've read lately?  I've been liking it :oP  So, go figure... expanding you're horizons is a good thing.  lol.

On a different note... just because I need to get this out before I head back out to work... When your boss starts the conversation with, "I hate to do this to you," you know you're not gonna like what she has to say.

Whatever, I'm being overly dramatic.  But my boss is going through this legal thing, where I think she's basically suing her ex-husband for failing to pay child support and some other stuff.  And it sucks, it really does.  The guy's an asshole, and you'd think he'd pick up responsibility for his kids, no matter what he felt for my boss/his ex-wife.  But apparently, people are dicks.

Anyway, so yeah, I feel bad.  But today I'm like... "whoa, the world is fuzzy" because idk, weird dreams last night, bad morning.  And now I have to walk this crazy-ass dog who'll I'll have to carry to and from its house bc it's afraid of it's driveway.  And it's a big dog.  And babysitting duty basically got extended from 6:30-9:30 to 2:45-9:30 with more errands and dogs before that.  So at the moment, while I appreciate the boss saying "I don't know what I'd do without you," and I'm glad I can help her out when she needs it, I'm also like *sigh* "I'm tired of last minute changessss"

Whatever. My hissy-fit is stupidly insignificant compared to what my boss (and too many others) have to go through.  I just felt like letting off steam before I head out back to work.

Ok, I'm done.

The good thing, though? That's gonna keep me going this week?  This weekend is NYC Pride \o/

So Friday I'm gone from here, and in the city with awesome people and fun times.  Now, I just have to make it through the week :oP

And my plans for tonight will keep me going today... my plans? Either finishing up Ferret 'verse, watching Taken, or finally getting to reading some fanfic :o)  If I don't fall asleep first...

rant, fic, work, writing, why i should be in bed

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