
Jun 12, 2010 10:58

I'm back! :oD

I was up early today, despite being able to sleep in, because I fell asleep at 10pm last night.  The day went well, though!  We were a little late getting on the road, but we got to Boston early anyway, and were able to park in the alley outside my apartment.  Then it was a mad dash to pack up everything in the apartment and get it in the car.  We managed to do it in a little over 3 hours.  We had to leave a lot of the furniture behind (the wicker coffee table and the little side-tables, as well as a few chairs) and a few other things, but the car was jammed full.  Like, I was scared jammed full.

But... I didn't really put the furniture down to the curb.  Garbage day isn't until Monday, and we were running short on time.  So there are a few things scattered around the apartment.  My dad was like "Just leave it. We worked our butts off getting this apartment in working order, so he (the landlord) can deal with some furniture."  Which... yes, I'm tempted to do.  But the other part of me is like I really shouldn't leave it.  So I might have to run up there by myself on the bus to put everything at the curb.  Idk how that'll work, since everything is out of there except the excess furniture and I'm calling to cut off the electricity on monday, but... whatever. I'll rough it for a night :oP

Also... I GOT THE APARTMENT/DORM FOR THIS NEXT SCHOOL YEAR!  I met with the woman, and we chatted for a bit, and then she was like "So you want the apartment?" and I said, "Yes."  So I got it :o)  I got the last smallest single room, too, so perfect timing.  It's more expensive than what I paid this past year, but as a whole I think it might be cheaper.  They supply meals, and linen service, and all utilities are included.  So... I think it'll pan out.  The people also seem really nice there, and the place is gorgeous and clean, and I really like area.  (Best part, though? I get a bed!! \o/)

The place is on Comm Ave, and it's more open than the North End.  And it smells a lot better :o)  I walked the neighborhood a bit, and there are a bunch of Indian and Asian cuisine places, and a few frozen yogurt/ice cream places, and one fruit smoothie shop that looks fabulous.  And there are a few eateries that look cute, and Starbucks is right there, and there are lots of little shops and clothing stores (that are probably wayy too expensive for my wallet, but on a free day I can always go pretend as if I can buy stuff :oP).  I really like the place, and all of the buildings are brownstones, and there are trees and I just really like the place.

And the place I'll be living (it's kind of a dorm-like situation, for women going to school in Boston), is in a mansion, and Tiffany designed the entranceway and a few other rooms.  It's gorgeous.  And a bunch of the students are music students, and the main rooms are all available for our uses, and so both times I've visited I've heard people making use of the piano in the main room, and it was awesome.  There are a few fashion students there as well, so in the tv/entertainment room their gowns and fashion stuff is there where they're working on it.  So it seems like a cool place, with lots of interesting people.  I'm excited :o)  And I think it'll be great to be in a different living situation, where there are actual people around instead of crazy neighbors.  So I'm looking forward to it.

So... success!

The boss asked me yesterday when I was in Boston if I was free to help her out (when I told her I'd be in Boston Friday, maybe Saturday), and so I'm a lil miffed about that.  I have to organize all my stuff that's scattered all over the garage, and tonight's Stonehenge Apocalypse.  And now I have to help her out. *grumble grumble* I might just tell her I can help after 4, but then I'm busy from 8:30 to 11pm.  So... *sigh* we'll see what happens.

The Breakfast Club is on now... so I'm gonna go back to watching that... and Judd Nelson ;o) 

apartment, life, boston

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