SPN 5.20 - The Devil You Know

Apr 29, 2010 23:26

I'm just gonna say it right off the bat.... I loved this episode.

I think it had great action, and fabulous characters, and lots of snippets of information that deepened story and/or characters or events.  I loved it.

First off, however... CASTIEL!!! Where the fuck are you! Four times I thought he was gonna pop up (in the car with Sam and Dean at the beginning when they were talking to Bobby, when Dean was in the bathroom when Sam trapped him in, when Dean was being ambushed by the hell hound, and at the end with Bobby when Crowley appeared instead). Lol, okay, so most of those times it was probably more my wishful thinking that he'd appear than anything else, but... really?!?!?!! REALLY!!!!!!!!! He's a freakin' regular on the show and he's not gonna come back until the episode before the finale??? WTFFFF!!!!!!!! HIS RETURN BETTER BE EPIC AND IT BETTER BE NEXT WEEK!!!!

First of all... I didn't expect Bobby in this episode and it was awesome to see him.  Especially because he was just too AWESOME. (sorry, my vocab is way down today with finals, etc).  It was nice seeing him enter the fight and take a part in it, and be there for the boys.  And the talking-to he gave Sam? LOVED.

And Crowley's line to Bobby at the end: "I've done more with less."  It's a little nod/acknowledgement to Bobby, I think, that Bobby has a good soul... a  soul that ranks high in a demon's dealings. yes? hehe.

I loved Crowley.  His scene with the spotlight in the road? And how he had to compose himself afterward? And how I can't pick out all the awesome scenes because they were all awesome?  And how he's, yes, a demon and backstabbing but he seems to be on the boys' side and I just really like that.  There were a few times, actually, where I was comparing his help to Castiel's... and yes, there are moments there for Dean to be like "Geeze, I'm getting help here, but... Cas never expected anything in return... I took advantage of him, when I should have appreciated him" because YES DEAN, this is what you should realize.  It was great seeing Crowley helping Dean and Sam and Bobby, but yes, it kinda comes with a price.  Crowley seems to be in it to the death, but he's still going to be sneaky.  Castiel?  He's died once, maybe twice (sorry, not twice, but he was willing to... which brings the count up to THREE times if you count 5.03, which we do) and what's he asked for in return? Nothing, except that Dean and humanity succeed.

Oh, I also liked how Crowley was amazing, and awesome, and kickass (AND I LOVED HIS HELL HOUND, and I never thought I'd say I liked a hell hound lol), but at the same time he still had his Don't Forget I'm A Demon scenes (using Dean as bait, slitting throats, etc). Loved that character dynamic/trait.

So Dean, you better be missing your boyfriend now.  (And there were scenes that could have been taken that way. Yup.)

Sam!!  It was really interesting to see his storyline here.  His idea about how to get the Devil in the pit?  INTENSE!! I was totally not expecting that.  It would be epic. Do I think it'll happen?  No.  I don't.  Something like it? idk.  But it was epic sounding, and lol Sam... sorry, Sam, but haven't we covered the idea "I'm stronger, I can do this," before?  *cough season 4 cough* I was a bit disappointed to see that come back, but... *shrugs*  It was nice, though, to see Sam calm himself/reign himself in with Brady the first time.  It was heartbreaking when Brady was taunting Sam about Jessica, and at the end when Brady was like, We're the same, and "Maybe the only difference between you and a demon, is that your Hell is right here," which OMG TOO SAD!!! Do: oh Sammy.

There was a moment of tension between brothers...  It was interesting, how Sam was the one being all "Don't trust them!" and Dean was trusting Crowley, a demon. It's a weird change but very interesting. Makes me wonder... I mean, Dean's already been at the bottom, a the "there's no choice, I'm going to Michael" bottom... so yeah, teaming up with a demon might seem more tame? He's grabbing/taking what he can get.  And Sam hasn't been there, but trusted them and been burned before.  So... Who's right? Who's viewpoint is more reliable?  Idk. Very interesting dynamic thought.

But it was nice seeing the good points of the bros relationship. Like Dean following up with the "You're a big boy now, Sammy" speech from 5.18 and trusting him more, letting him make his own decisions for the most part (and Sam showed him he could stand up to the trust when he didn't gank Brady).

What else... ummm... LOVED THE HELL HOUND SCENE!!!!! (have I said that already?) LOVED CROWLEY'S HELLHOUND!! MINE'S BIGGER!! And yes, the hell hounds took me soo by surprise, and I loved it.

In general I thought this episode was great for the fight scenes, for some reason. I'll have to watch the episode again, but I remember being really impressed.  In general I was impressed with a lot of the scenes, Brady talking with Pestilence, the hell hound scene, and yeah idk, loads more.  I thought it was a visually appealing episode, despite the blood and violence, etc that usually might take over a scene.

I loved the scene between Brady and Crowley... The fact that Brady (and other demons) know that they'll be killed, but don't do anything anyway... and Crowley?  If he loses, he'll suffer for all eternity.  VERY interesting and I loved that fact thrown in there... it was nice to see that talked about more, since I think the demons vs Lucifer is so freakin' intriguing.


Favorite lines (that I managed to copy down):
"I've sold sins to saints for centuries..." - Crowley
"It's called possession for a reason..." - Bobby
"Lovers in league against Satan." - Crowley THIS WHOLE SPEECH WAS AWESOME lol
"I wager a 1,000 my pup wins." -Crowley! So not the time for betting, but... you're made of Win. <3!
"Maybe the only difference between you and a demon, is that your Hell is right here." - Brady (So sad but It's a great line)
"Then get the hell off my property before I blast you so full of rock salt you crap margaritas." - BOBBY WHY SO AWESOME!
"That's what you get, working with a demon." -Crowley. DUH DEAN!! Bet he misses Cas, now.

That's all for now, folks!

ONLY TWO MORE EPISODES LEFTTTT!!! It was really weird typing 5.20... So close to the end!!!!!


ps - just a random thought, I need an epic icon for the rest of the SPN season... I need to search for one... or something... hmm *ponders"

awesomeness, supernatural episode, supernatural

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