Unashamed Freakout about SPN season 5 SPOILERS...

Apr 23, 2010 21:37

I tried to go spoiler free for the rest of season 5 of Supernatural.  To make a long story short, it was more stressful avoiding spoilers and reigning in my temptation to read them than it is to actually read them.

That might have changed... (SPOILERS)... )

spoilers, oh noes!, fuck my life, supernatural

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the_ninth_bow April 24 2010, 02:25:56 UTC
Because it's a territorial thing and Cas is really "HANDS OFF, BUDDY!!!" if Michael so much as looks at his boyfriend??

Seriously though, the only thing I can think of is if Michael is now inside Adam, and Castiel is fighting Michael in terms of how Gabriel fought Lucifer, "You can't have this planet/continue with this Apocalypse." Because, let's face it, if Michael and Lucifer start to battle, one of them is going to have to win and therefore the earth will either be Michael's (Angel's end of the Apocalypse) or Lucifer's (Hell's end of the Apocalypse) and humans will have lost Earth. Therefore, the only way for this to end happily for humanity is for Michael and Lucifer to never start their fight in the first place.

That's my thinking, anyway, and Castiel facing Michael might be a last ditch effort to stop the battle between Lucifer and Michael from starting. So, it's probably not even a thing of Michael wanting to kill Castiel, but of Michael doing it out of necessity like Lucifer did Gabriel "Don't make me do this... but I will" kind of a thing. (which, the fight ending badly might not mean Castiel's death, but maybe MAYBE Castiel falls? Loses his Grace?? That's wishful thinking on my part lol. And do you know what episode that was a spoiler for? I kinda missed that part :oP).

But yes... every spoiler being about character death is depressing and not really much of a surprise anymore. But I guess they're trying to go out with a bang? :o/ idk.

Okay, super-long response has now come to an end hehe ;o)


goldenusagi April 24 2010, 02:35:05 UTC
I will be interested to see if comes down to trapping Lucifer or killing him.

I think I saw on someone else's post that this spoiler was for the finale.

And see, that's how I would have liked Gabriel to go out if he was going to go out. Stepping in between his brothers before they actually started the Apocalypse fight.

I suppose the fight ending badly could mean something other than Castiel's death. But I can't imagine Cas would be able to face off against Michael for very long. Raphael made very quick work of him.


the_ninth_bow April 24 2010, 02:43:45 UTC
Lucifer being trapped or killed is tricky... tbh, I'm kinda thinking that you can't kill the Devil, because what will that mean for humanity, because well... the Devil's gone so who's gonna be the Devil?? But he's an archangel, so obviously he can be killed (as Gabriel confirmed last episode). Personally? I don't think he'll die. I kinda find it hard to believe that SPN writers would kill off the Devil, who rules over Hell and demons. They kind of route for evil/aren't all about nice, neat wrap-ups. But I could be totally wrong.

And that was for the finale?? uugghh!! Oh gosh... I'm gonna be a mess during this finale. :o/

That definitely would have been cool for Gabriel... like, he and Castiel step between Michael and Lucifer (literally or figuratively) and battle it out? :o( :o( That would have been so epic!

And that's an interesting point. I think Castiel's learned a lot this season (we see him improve his fighting skills, I think lol), and maybe the archangels in vessels would be easier to take on? I'm thinking Castiel would be a distraction for Michael, maybe? Trying to give the boys enough time to trap Lucifer while he keeps Michael away from fighting Lucifer?? hmm... idk. I'm wondering who the other archangel will be... Raphael, Michael, and Lucifer are the only ones left?? So... maybe Michael dies, but Castiel is just really hurt or human at the end of it?? UGH!! idk!!


goldenusagi April 24 2010, 02:47:57 UTC
Also, Gabriel might have had a chance against stopping his brothers, whereas I don't think Castiel stands one at all.

Well, the spoiler was, "after another archangel bites the dust, Castiel will face off against Michael." Which either means another archangel will die, or that the archangel referenced is Gabriel, and the person who wrote the spoiler thought that Zachariah was an archangel or something? But just from the way it's worded, I don't think it can be Michael.


the_ninth_bow April 24 2010, 03:29:12 UTC
And yeah... Gabriel probably, definitely stood a better chance. A small part of me is wondering if this is Castiel making another sacrifice for Team Free Will... or if he has another trick up his sleeve. UNLESS Michael takes them all by surprise and so he has to fight him whether or not he wants to. :o/

Yeahhh... that was just me and my wishful thinking hoping it was Michael hehe. It's funny because Zachariah is totes not an archangel, but I feel like he was referred to as one somewhere (I might have been thinking of that spoiler, though?). So... the person could have gotten it wrong. But maybe it was referring to Gabriel (though "another" suggests not, unless, again, the spoiler-revealer misspoke). I don't know. I'm torn. I think I just need to stop finding excuses to save Castiel and just start thinking "Another archangel bites the dust, Castiel faces Michael and things end badly for our friend Cas." Cut and dry :o/ It'll be interesting to see who the other archangel is, though...


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