5.18 - Point of No Return: Thoughts (Castiel heavy ;o)...

Apr 16, 2010 00:42

WOOT WOOT!!! \o/

Supernatural, you've delivered up another fabulous episode.

Initial reaction? To be honest, I was kind of in a daze.  Seriously, like... O.O And then I figured out why: I wasn't left to float in a sea of angst afterward, and I wasn't sure how to handle that.

But I'm good now!

So... here are my thoughts...

1) CASTIEL!!!!  OMFG SO FREAKIN' AWESOME TO SEE HIM IN SO MUCH OF THE EPISODE!!!! AND IN THE ACTION SO MUCH!!!! But what I think I liked most about his part in this episode was that you really get a sense for where he is as a character.  After 5.16 with his Faith in God kind of getting blown to pieces, we never really got to see a closure with that. In 5.17 we saw him drunk and that scene with Dean and Cas saying, "How do you handle it" when talking about dead-beat dad's and he looks so sad and broken, we get to see the anger and sorrow Castiel has towards God.  In 5.18 we kind of see "This is where Castiel is now."

See, this is how I see Castiel's story develop in this episode...
-He is SO FREAKIN' PISSED at Dean, watching Dean give up and lose faith and deciding to say yes.  After losing faith in God, Dean's really the only connection Castiel has, the only thing Castiel really believes in (he did, after all, rebel for what Dean believed in, and Dean himself).  So yeah, Cas's pissed at Dean. 
        But then there's that moment when Sam comes up from the Panic Room and implies Dean's not okay, and Castiel goes down to the Panic Room TO TALK TO DEAN, TO GO CHECK ON DEAN, BECAUSE HE'S WORRIED AND CONCERNED ABOUT HIM. I really would have freakin' loved to see that scene!!!! because what would Castiel have said there!!! I think at that moment he still had faith in him, was angry with him, but he could have perhaps been like, "Dean, you can't do this" and there might have been a good moment between them.  
       But then Dean's an ass.  Tbh, while Dean sending Cas "back to Oz" makes me angry - after all, he didn't know where that would send Cas, and with Cas being on the list of people the angels have to gank that's really dangerous - it shows how desperate Dean is at this point to risk losing an ally (and one as powerful as Castiel). 
      And here's where Castiel beats up on Dean... and his anger is totally understandable.  He's angry with Dean for giving up, and pissed that Dean's so desperate/faithless, and when Dean gives himself up to the religious dude, Castiel snaps.  I think his dialogue there says it all, and how the dialogue is delivered... "I rebelled for this? So that you could surrender to them? I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me." And his voice ACTUALLY CRACKS WHEN HE SAYS "ME" IN THAT LAST LINE!!!!! He's so freakin' angry and desperate and betrayed and GUH! When Dean's on the ground, and we see Castiel's fist clenched, there's a moment where he looks at Dean, and his fist unclenches... and then the camera pans out and focuses on Castiel.  And Castiel sighs. THAT is the moment, I believe, when Castiel loses his faith in Dean. 
      Which lead me to the last scene with him... the scene outside the warehouse. 
                Dean: You're gonna take on five angels?
                Castiel: (turns to Dean, meets his eyes and says resolutely...) Yes.               
                Dean: Isn't that suicide?               
                Castiel: Maybe it is. But then I won't have to watch you fail.  I'm sorry, Dean, I don't have the same faith in you that Sam does.
       Dean stares at Castiel there, kind of like, "What?" like he can't believe what he's seeing.  And I think that's where Dean might realize how far he's gone.  Castiel, in that moment, in a calm, collected manner, is telling Dean that he had faith in him, that that faith has mostly failed, but he's still willing to sacrifice himself for the cause that Dean believed in so adamantly at the beginning... where Dean no longer believes, Castiel does.  Castiel believes in helping humanity, and he's going to fight for it, even if the person who turned him towards that fight no longer believes in it... and he's willing to die for what Dean once believed.  (And he's also telling Dean, I think, that he can't watch him lose faith, that he won't do it, he'd rather die, in a sense, than watch that happen.)
      I think it's a brilliant moment, and Castiel's story line in that episode is so totally epic.  I'm really hoping for a reunion scene between them, where Dean says something about faith and [hopefully] apologizes in his own way to Castiel for losing faith, and for making Castiel lose his faith (because I think Castiel losing Faith in Dean affected Dean - a lot - or at least Dean in that scene finally realizes what Castiel believed in, why he was fighting, and that he's finally lost his faith... and that Dean is tied up in all of it, that he means something to Castiel and somebody else's faith).  So we'll see.
      And I'm really nervous but really excited to see Castiel's return.  I'm kind of wondering if he's going to come back wounded, more human, or if the angels are going to hold on to him for a while and torture him before he escapes (or a certain someone is going to rescue him *cough cough* (I don't want to give spoilers away, but ppl who real spoilers might know what I'm talking about ;o)

2) It was great to see Adam! I think it was kind of epic that Castiel reached down and helped to pull him up out of the grave (part of me was like, "Hey! You shouldv'e helped Dean!" but then I remembered that he didn't have a body then, and all that lol), and I really liked that... it was kind of like Castiel's helping another Winchester out of death, and kinda just giving humanity a helping hand, literally and figuratively. 
       Also... the connection that he had for/with his mom was fabulous and heartbreaking to watch.  And I LOVED how when he's talking to Zachariah he gets pissed when Zachariah's like, "You're fired.".  And it's kinda sad, because you can tell he wanted family (what he says about John, how he would have loved to have him there), and Zachariah's the one to point out to him that he has that family in Sam and Dean, but just betrayed them... and Adam realizes it and the look on his face is just GUH!! Another Winchester ready to die for his family? Maybe! ;o)

3) Zachariah... I think he was really good in the episode.  Kind of shows how far angels will fall, and how brutal their way of life is... make a mistake, screw up, and you're toast.  And Zachariah would be willing to do anything to not do that.  The first scene made me giggle a little bit, but I enjoyed the rest of it.  And his death scene? Pretty awesome (LOVED the pattern of his wings against the wall and floor, btw lol). However... I'm still kinda sad that he's gone.  I'm ecstatic that the angel's dead, but he was SUCH A GOOD VILLAIN!! He creeped me the fuck out, and I'm kinda sad I'm not gonna get that creepy feeling any more.  But GO DEAN!! at the moment, yeah?

4) Jensen did a fabulous job as always... When he says, "Stop it, please." right before he says yes? guh!! And that scene before Dean says yes was fabulous.  A great brother moment.... which leads me to....

5) BROTHERS!!!!! Geeze, Sam! My love for Sam is back full-force after this episode.  Seeing him with Adam made me love big brother!Sam, and so cute with saying they had beer in the house lol.  And when he was telling Adam that the angels are dicks when Adam said "They're angels" like that meant they're good? That kind hurt, because that used to be Sam saying that angels were good :(  But Sam was brilliant and mature and I loved how he handled Dean, how he still trusted Dean.
             And Dean... it was heartbreaking when he said he didn't trust Sam to say no to Lucifer.  But at the end?  Dean's finally viewing Sam as a grownup, as an equal, and Hell, that felt SO GOOD to see that.  I'm really proud of Dean and Sam there... both of them, because I think they deserve it.  Sam for trusting Dean, and Dean for finally SEEING Sam and trusting him.  Guh!! Those brothers... they kill me.  Fabulous episode for the brothers.

But yeah... babbled enough?  There's probably more I'm forgetting, but that's enough for now... except...

1) "Blow me, Cas." - Dean :oP
2) "Cas, not for nothing, but the last time somebody looked at me like that, I got laid" *wink* - Dean.  And I'm sorry, but Dean was totally saying that with a sincere attitude, even if it might have been to get a rise out of Castiel...
And here is why I really think that line supports Dean/Castiel... Dean is hurting and giving up and lashing out at the people he loves. Bobby he gets with "You're not my father" and Sam he gets with the "You're not hopped up on Demon blood this time." And obviously these are two points that are really, really going to hit home for Bobby and Sam, are gonna hit below the belt.  And what does he pick to throw at Castiel, what will hurt the most?  "Cas... the last time somebody looked at me like that, I got laid" and he winks.  Obviously that's going to hurt Castiel in some way.  Whether it's because Castiel has feelings for Dean and Dean's mocking them, or because he knows it'll hurt their relationship, either way that's what he picks to throw at Castiel to hurt him, get under his skin. And Castiel slams the door in his face (well, not in in his face, but you get it).  Obviously something sexual is going on between them... especially on Castiel's side, yeah?
3) And then all the stuff I talked about with Castiel and his "I gave everything for you, and this is what you give to me?" and his voice breaking, and then Castiel's entire journey throughout the episode (and possibly the idea of how Dean fits into his idea of Faith... which I might want to analyze more... hmmm)

*deep breath* Okay, I think I'm really done there this time hehe.

So yes, Fabulous episode.  I'm really looking forward to the rest of the season, and I'm really REALLY hoping for a Dean/Castiel moment what Castiel comes back, where they can talk and Dean can apologize to Castiel, or at least reassure him that he has his faith back, won't back out again, and Castiel can be relieved and/or reassured.  :o) 

castiel is my hero, awesomeness, meta-ish, otp, dean/castiel, supernatural, fangirling

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