who could ever fell this tree of you and me...

Apr 14, 2010 04:44

Um...Grad school sucks. It gets in the way of everything. Rawrness.

more importantly....


Today i give you eye candy. Aka, pics of Dean/Castiel :o) I tried to keep most of them geared towards fluff/happy, but some of them turned out to be looks of fabulous eye fucking or moments that I thought were epicish between them.

Quick note, none of these caps were made by me. I'm not that technically savvy to try to figure out how to do that.


Aww, Dean, smiling at your boy friend :o)                                Perhaps not one of the best caps of this moment, but I love it. 
                                                                                                    Just look at Castiel's smile, and Dean's, and... yeah. Do I have to say
                                                                                                     more? I love the fact that it looks like Castiel is kinda caught almost
                                                                                                     looking over his shoulder at Dean, a smile on his face. LOVE it.

The two caps above, and the ones below, are from ina_ami  over attrue_fellings


Dean's 1st meeting with Castiel, and already he has that         A little goofy, here, but there's just something there that says
look for him :o)                                                                          that despite the fact Castiel just barged in, he has this non-violent look
                                                                                                    on his face... not to mention here's where he says, "I'm the one who
                                                                                                    gripped you tight and raised you from Perdition" and looks friendly,
                                                                                                    despite the sparks flying (hehe... ;o)


4.07 - LOVE this moment, where despite the tense moment     And here's Cas in that exchange... he just GETS Dean, is still
there are still moments when Dean seems to try to get Cas       the only one who's seen Dean in Hell, and idk, I think you see
to understand him, and seems to trust Cas to be on his              something snap in place here, where he sees who Dean really is
side. And that small look there? :o)                                             and he's a bit impressed (as exemplified by the trust he reveals he has
                                                                                                        in Dean by telling Dean his secret "I'm not a hammer" in the park
                                                                                                        bench scene coming up...)


Look at that look... seriously? LOOK AT IT. Tell me he's            If that look wasn't enough, look at him smile for Dean <3
not in love there                                                                              (ps - I wanna see more Cas smiles!)


And when Cas is down and feelin' blue? ...................................... Dean's concerned for his boyfriend.


Pics of Awesome.  'nuff said.

And where is Dean looking? ;o)


This scene in 5.03 is fantastic. I could talk forever about this scene but really, there's just something in that scene where Dean just... gets this intense look in his eyes when dealing with Castiel and Cas asking for help. And yeah... that intense look slides into affectionate (I'd totes argue).

I just love this shot... so it's here :o)


Again, epic shot. Idk, it just looks peaceful or something...         Dean helps dress his boyfriend :oD Too adorable, boys. Too
and I like to think that Dean's pulling out a surprise for               adorable. (Now if only he'd help Cas take the clothes off...)
Castiel here :oP


Dean likes talking to his boyfriend on the phone :o)                     And despite the angst of 5.04, look at this smile Castiel gives            
                                                                                                         present!Dean... it kind of says it all...


EPIC SCENE OF EPICNESS  I won't cheapen with words......... except THIS LOOK is what solidifies, for me, that Castiel
                                                                                                   canonically  loves Dean. Obvs! ;o)

The looks on their faces says it all...

So for the following... umm... I forgot to jot down the person who took the caps :o/ They are not mine, if they're yours let me know.


This verges on the non-fluffy side, but I'm putting it here because it shows that despite what going on here (Castiel's back with the angels), it shows that Castiel doesn't want to be doing this, is torn about what he's asking of Dean, and that yes, Dean is angry, but look at his face... there's something else beside anger there (sorrow? regret?) that shows that this is more than just a lost ally... there is more between them than just trying to fight on the same side.


Just love this shot, so here it is...                                                 And another epic shot. (ps - have you ever noticed how LONG they
                                                                                                       stare at each other in this scene? Dean's sworn to be obedient to
                                                                                                       Heaven already, so there's no reason for either of them to stay there...
                                                                                                       but they DO... ;o)


Dean's face when he realizes Castiel chose to rebel! *flail*        Despite recent events, it's still an epic moment ;o)

And that's all, folks! There are lots more epic moments between them, and more fluffy/happy looks, but these are all that I had.

awesomeness, happy times, otp, pics, dean/castiel, supernatural

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