detective novels, writing, and fic...

Feb 27, 2010 22:14

So the past few days have been a crazy mass of reading and writing.  I'm feeling scholarly, but I think my head's starting to go into "fuzzy mode" because zoning out in front of the tv (or just sleeping) is starting to look really good right about now.

For class I've been reading Samaritan, by Richard Price.  If you like detective/crime novels, I'd recommend it.  It's good writing (though not the greatest, imo), and the author does a nice job with plotting, pacing, and structure.  I'm really not into detective novels, not by a long shot, and so for me it's been a mixture of Oh, this is okay, to Huh! I'm really enjoying this! Awesome! to Oh... I'm almost bored again.  I have about 60 pages left, and it's getting interesting again.  I guess I just don't really like one of the main characters all that much, and so I'm just finding it kinda boring to read it.  But still, yeah, I'd recommend it.  So anyone looking for a new detective/crime novel to read?  Give Samaritan, by Richard Price a looksee :oP

In terms of writing, I'm been messing with my novel for class again.  Summary is due (I think) on Monday.  The prof is threatening to have us do a chapter by chapter outline, and I'm really, really hoping she doesn't.  I hate outlining.  I usually don't know what's going to happen at the end of my work/novel/whatever until I'm halfway done with it.  And if i do know the ending before then?  I get bored.  I don't tend to do outlines... just write down scenes as they come, fill in the blanks, and go back and edit, fill in missing scenes or details when I'm done with it all.  If a rewrite is necessary, I do it.  I can't do the whole organized thing when it comes to writing... it's not how my brain works, and often times just shuts the writing down if I'm forced into it.  So... we'll see what happens.

Novel for class aside, I started another fanfic yesterday.  Which might turn out to be a bad idea lol.  In terms of my big bang, I have the minimum 20,000 words done.  Now I need to go back and plug in scenes, flesh it out, and edit.  Still a lot of work to do, but I'm still excited about it.  I also started another Let Them Seek Peace 'verse installment... might finish it up over spring break (which starts wed. for me \o/ ).  This one is coming out a bit angstier than the other ones, as it kind of takes a peek into how hunting fits into their domestic lives, but *shrugs* we'll see what happens.

But this other fic I'm starting?  It's AU... and I mean completely AU.  I'm almost ashamed at myself for writing it lol.  I didn't start liking AU's until really recently, so I'm kinda just flying by the seat of my pants, I think.  But reading the detective novel made me really want to read a fic with Dean as a detective and/or cop, and something with a case or something.  But I think I've read all the AU's that have Dean being a cop, etc. (if anyone has any recs for some, let me know ;o), so I was like, "I'm gonna write one!"  Ha.  Idek.

So yeah... Dean's a detective, Castiel is this special agent, and Castiel comes in and they have to collaborate on a case (it's a bit more complicated than that, but yeah, the basics).  Ruby's in it, which is weird bc I've never written Ruby before.  Oh, and Uriel. (I was like "wtf am I doing? he's been dead since forever.").  I'm still working everything out, and tbh it'll probs sound lame if I write it down lol.  Idk if it'll ever be entertaining enough to actually post, but it's turning out to be kinda long, so... we'll see.  I think I'm gonna write that for the rest of the night, see what happens, and then decide what to do with it.  If anything, it's entertaining for me :oP

So yeah, that about sums up my life right now... reading, writing.  Wed I'm going home for spring break and I'm too excited.  I get to eat food, sleep in an actual bed, sit on a couch, use my computer on a desk, etc. etc. *happy sigh*  It'll be good times.

books, fic, supernatural, writing

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