I Call List Post!!!

Feb 16, 2010 23:04


1)  My ring got caught on the door knob during class tonight.  I was storming out of class after a workshop (psh! I wish! I'd be badass then... it was really break and I wanted coffee) and I opened the door and started walking out of the room, only to get yanked back in by my hand (yes, I was the most graceful thing ever).  My ring was caught on the handle, I think.  Bizarro.  Needless to say:  Ouch.  I now have a ring-shaped bruise forming on my finger, and the band on my ring is bent.  It's also my undergrad ring from SU, and I'm still trying not to cry over it.  Trust my lame grad school EC to ruin my epic undergrad institution SU's awesome ring.

2) EPIC WEEKEND OF AWESOMENESS WAS AWESOME!!!!  The only bad thing was that I didn't get to go home because of the snow on wed. and thurs.  But the weekend was awesome, so it made up for it.  And LOL! Exchanged phone numbers on Friday night with a guy, and he texted me sunday and was like "Are you back in boston" and I was like lol too late, dude, yeah I'm back. and eventually after a few texts he was like "I'll call you this week.  Heading up to Boston soon." And I'm like O.o  Idk what to think.  Maybe he won't call.  He was cool, I had fun, but... really?  idk.  I'm just gonna play it by ear.

3)  Snow!!  This is the first time ever that I've disliked snow.  It screwed up my plans on Wed and Thurs and we didn't even get any here in Boston, and then today we got a mess of a snowstorm thing for the entire day and I nearly slipped too many times getting to and from class.  And get this:  Last week they canceled wed. classes bc of the anticipated snow, and nothing happened.  Today when it was snowing the entire day and icy and slushy before night classes, they kept everything open.  Lame!!!

4)  I was talking with some classmates after class tonight, and they were telling me there are ways to break leases.  I told them my story and they were like "Yes! You can break that!"  So I'm delving back into research and I'm gonna visit the OCSS office and see if they can help in any way.  Because my neighbor is a douche and giving me cancer.  And my landlord's an ass.

5)  Lol SPN fandom wank.  I lol.  I'm totally warmed up to a 6th season.  Am I nervous?  Sure. But I guess you just got to have a little faith that things will go right.  And if they don't?  That's what fanfic is for. Yes? :oP  Sure, I'm nervous about what's gonna happen to Castiel's character, but *shrugs*  I'm not gonna have a wankfest about it.  And ps - Season 5 of Supernatural?  I'm loving it.  Idk what all the hate is for (Yes, it's different than season 1 and 2, but shows grow, story lines expand and change, and that's what we call a developing plot, character growth, everything that makes a story awesome.) Okay, I'm done, and I'm just gonna float by all the posts about season 6 being renewed lol.  It's renewed, The End.  ;o)

6)  I made potato salad tonight for dinner.  It was delish.  I was surprised.  And it's really easy.  All you need is a can of potatoes, mayonnaise, and spices if you're so inclined (dill, pepper, etc.).  Which, by the way, led me to thinking... condiments I must always have in my fridge are Ranch dressing, mayonnaise, and butter.  I'd like to have pickles and banana peppers, but that's not a must.  What are some other Can't Live Without Condiments??  ;o)

7)  Had a workshop tonight.  It went well.  I have more ideas for my novel, and my writing was considered good, and that made me happy.  Still got to work at it, because I still think it's a little stiff but... that's what first drafts are for, yeah?  Point is, I have a direction to go in now, stuffs to work with, and so it's not dead in the water right at the start.

Hmm... I think that's it.  I really feel like writing fic right now, but I'm also really tired.  So I'm debating... fanfic writing? Or movie??  hmmm....

food, list post, randomness, supernatural, writing, weekend, apartment, fun times

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