When the Lights Go Out...

Apr 04, 2008 10:38

I'm fucking fed up with this university.  It's retarded. Backwards. In the dark ages (literally....).

So last night the freakin' power went out in our flat, and whoop-di-do no one is on call to actually fix the damn lights.  So someone that was in our apartment got in contact with the RA (didn't know we even had one... I still don't know who the hell it is... this university's compitent, isn't it??), but nothing was done.  At all.

So I go into the hallway at about 11-ish to see if there are any numbers for public safety or something, and one of my flatmates is like "they said they need to get a new fuse so we won't have power until tomorrow... but I doubt we'll have it even then. hahaha!"

no.  No "hahaha".

So I'm pissed off.  No lights. No hot water. No heat. No ability to MAKE FOOD!!  No coldness in the refrigerator for the food I just got that's gonna go bad.  No internet.

It sucks.  So I'm pissed off, and after a quick shower in which I probably used up the last of the hotwater I curl up in bed with my computer and watch a few episodes of Ouran High School and laugh my ass off before I curl up with some Inuyasha and watch that until I'm nice and calm again.  I fell asleep with Inuyasha last night, so it made me happy.

The computer was dead in the morning, but I'm not gonna worry about that now.

So I get up and go over to the reception office to make sure something's being done (they are only there at some hours of the day... retarded.).  And one person looks shocked, and the other's like "yeah, the RA just came in".  And I'm like "JUST!!"  And he said something like it was a good thing we told the RA 'cause usually it would take until 12 instead of 9 for anything to be done.  And I'm like "THIS IS HOW YOU RUN A FUCKING UNIVERSITY!!!!"  Well, I didn't necessarily say that, but I came pretty close.

So then the woman (Niave) goes over to the apartment to open another little private room and fiddle around with the electronics.  In short, we get power back. YES!!! So I'm extremely happy and relieved.

Only problem NOW is that the internet connection in my room won't accept my name.  AKA it's saying that my username and/or password isn't being accepted by the domain.  And I'm like "You retarded piece of crap!!!!"  So yeah, I'm pissed of.  I'm marching down to the international office right now to have a long chat with whoevers there about the shortcomings of this university, and demanding the internet start working in the dorms.  It's crazy and unnacceptable.  It's a university, and in an age where computers are the number one way to learn and get work done (esp. at this university where quizzes and all course material is online) it's inconcievable that the internet is not working.

So yes, I'm a little pissed off.  And yes, I wish I was at SU right now.  But I'm not, won't be for a lil bit yet, and this place is driving me up a fuckin wall.

The only thing that's cheering me up right now, besides the power actually being back, is the fact that my Inuyasha hat shipped out last night, so it'll get to my home in Good Ol' NJ in the next few days :o)

okay, I'm gonna go whip some asses into shape now.


So it's the afternoon now, and after a nice little traipse around campus, I found that the woman I needed to speak to at the international office wasn't IN HER OFFICE when she was supposed to be (they never are over here) so I couldn't talk to her.  So it was a pretty pointless morning.

Except I went to the library and took out some books I need for a report I should start on so I don't have to do it later.  And they have self-checkout here, but by that time I was so fed up I just went to the front desk, plopped the books down on the counter, and said, "I'd like to check these out."  The woman looked at me, then pointed to the left and said "We have the self-checkout machines"

"No," I said.  "I've never used them before."

So she's lazy and says, "Then I'll get someone who can show you." so she turns to her right and asks the other woman behind the desks there to help me figure out the checkout things.  So the woman, after helping someone else with books or something, showed me how to do it, so it was okay in the end.  Returning should be another fun experience, but hopefully it'll end up being okay.  Know what the really retarded thing is here?  You can't just drop the books off in a drop off bin.   You have to actually check them in-like when you go to return them.  So if you are leaving, say, on a trip, you can't return the books when the library is closed before you leave, but have to go when it's open even if you can't get to the library during open hours (there is not drop off box, even for emergencies or anything, so it's so inconvinient...).

So that was that, and then I went back to my room, and the internet is still down, and I went to go ask them about it in the reception, and ALL THE INTERNETS ARE DOWN in the dorms again... so it SUCKS BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ARGHHHHH LSKJFALSKDJFLAKSJFLASKDJALSK!!!!

Anyway, you can tell Lauryn's doin real well today.

I'm starting not to care about this international price thing with the phone I have... so if anyone out there has my number... ummm... please call and distract me from the incompitences of Irish Universities lol.  I hate this!!!

OH!!! and LOOK what else I have to deal with!!! wtf people... keep it private... 

nui maynooth

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