Batman in Supernatural...

Nov 17, 2009 16:04

So for a while now I've been wondering what Batman's presence in Supernatural means. Or, rather, where it comes from.

A few fanfics I've read have implied Dean's fascination with Batman, or compared Dean and Batman, and I was wondering where it came from. I think I might remember an episode where Dean mentions Batman? But I really have no idea. awesomepants87 and I have had multiple "convos" about this, and I still have no idea where Batman enters the fandom or SPN canon. So, if anyone knows definitively where "Batman" comes into the fandom/series, please let me know. I'd greatly appreciate it lol.

To further this Batman question, I was reading "Relief" by Peter Ho Davies. It's a great short story - you should go read it. But the point of mentioning it is that it keeps on mentioning "batman," with a lower-case "b". So yeah... I was like, "What the hell is batman?!"

So I tried to research and see what it was. Eventually I just looked up the definition, and here's what I found:

batman -noun, plural -men. (in the British army)
a soldier assigned to an officer as a servant. Origin:
1745-55; short for bat-horse man, equiv. to bat < F bât packsaddle (< VL *bastum, n. deriv. of *bastāre to carry < LGk *bastân, re-formation of Gk bastázein to lift, carry) + horse + man 1

lol. So yeah... interesting.... I learned something new today (and hopefully you did too :oP) But yeah... this could serve as a metaphor if some of the characters in SPN were fascinated with "Batman"... but of course, that "Batman" instead of "batman"... but whatever... I think it's fascinating anyway... me and my overanalyzing mind tend to make things bigger than they really are :oP

Anyway, just felt like sharing.

dorkiness, supernatural

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