literature about severance and intercourse, and fic about pretty much (almost) the same :oP

Sep 22, 2009 21:49

I spent today being studious and getting work done before I started panicking about it.  I also spent a good portion of the day in the Emerson library, looking up different short stories/short story writers, and trying to find books that contained the short stories that I need to read for class on Thurs (since the bookstore likes to screw me over and sell out the books that I need).  I was, for the most part, successful.  There are still three stories I haven't read, but I'm hoping that the bookstore will get the shipment of books in tomorrow that I need, and so I'll be set for Thurs.

Wanna hear the fun news about the library though?  It actually has some fun selections in there.  I found two books that I'm excited to read, by Richard Olen Butler.  One is called Severance, and the other is called Intercourse.  Severance is basically a collection of short prose peices narrated by people from history who have been beheaded (ex:  Medusa, John the Baptist (who suspiciously seems to have a crush on Jesus), Dragon - "beast, beheaded by Saint George, 301", George - "Soldier and saint, beheaded by the Emperor Diocletian, 303", Walter Raleigh - "courtier and explorer, beheaded by King James I, 1618", Robert Kornbluth - "senior partner in advertising firm, decapitated by elevator, 1984", among loads of others).  Intercourse is, cleverly, a collection of intercourse (conversation) between two people (famous couples) from history about intercourse (sex).  So there's Adam and Eve, William Shakespeare and Henry Wriothesley (Third Earl of Southampton), James Joyce and Nora Barnacle, Cotton Mather and Lydia Lee Mather, Robert F. Kennedy and Marilyn Monroe, among others, with each of the individuals briefly narrating his/her experiences.  Each book is hilarious and well written and poignant at the same time.  I think I might just have to read more from the author in the future if I continue to like these works as much as I have so far :oP   Oh, and I also got work by Breece D'J Pancake, 'cause I've been wanting to read his work for a while now.

In other news... Last night I caved and wrote some Dean/Castiel fic. lol.  Granted, I'm not done with it yet, but whatever... it's there.  And yeah, I did this other exercise (writing meme?) where you listen to your ipod on shuffle, write a drabble for the length of time it takes one song to play, and so write ten drabbles (ten songs, ten drabbles).  I did that with Dean/Castiel as well, and I'm kinda happy with the results.  I'm thinkin' of posting it here, for shits and giggles.  What do you think? :oP  lol

Anyway, my brain feels like it's shutting down.  I'm going to a meeting/interview tomorrow to see if I can get on the reading board for one of the lit journals here, and so I should probably read more of the journal... but, but... *sigh*  Maybe I'll just go watch some Supernatural instead :oP

books, dean/castiel, supernatural, work, literature

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