it's been forever...

Aug 02, 2009 11:12

I feel like it's been forever since I've been on LJ.  In fact, it's been forever since I've been on the internet.  Life has become busy, but it's fun so I can't complain.

Remember that babysitting job I think I talked about a while ago?  Well, it's turned into a full time job.  And the woman runs/owns a dog walking business, and so I guess she decided she liked me so much she wanted to give me more money/jobs (plus, I think she could use the help lol), so I'm walking dogs for her as well (dogs in the mornings, kids in the afternoons, and another dog to walk at night).  Lots of walking going on, but I'm having a blast.  The dogs are adorable.  There's only one that makes me nervous (and that's saying something 'cause I've never been afraid of a dog).  This dog (Zooey) is a rescue from Puerto Rico and she's not very friendly with new people, men, or vans.  But she really is a sweet heart.  I walked her last night, for the second time, and I think we'll become friends :o)

Every morning and night I walk Luca, a 4 month old King Charles Spaniel, and she's the definition of adorable.  I would steal her if I could, but I don't think that would go over well :oP  She's more cat than dog I think, since she pounces from one thing to another and prances when she walks.  Adorable!!!

But other than that... Boston!!  I went and got the keys to my apartment yesterday, and started moving in.  I still like the apartment, but the previous occupants left a bunch of their shit in the place.  And the landlord won't pain the place or fix the caulking and rust in the bathroom, so I'm going up there next weekend (or sometime next week) to paint, caulking, and fix everything.  A lil disappointed about that, but what can I do?  I like painting, so I'll just make the best of it.

Now time for Tsubasa Corner...

Omg! New chapter finally came out!  It kinda blew me away.  I got a lil emotional, I'll admit it.  It's fantastic because the plot loops around to the beginning, to the very first images of the series, and now we know what was going on at the very beginning.  Plus, the plot has finally twisted back around to the present (yes, the plot plays with time... a lot) and so the next chapter will be Fei Wong Reed facing everyone else (including Kurogane and Fai, I presume!).  So yay!  It's a fabulous series.

And I still love the art.  The scenes between Syaoran and Sakura kinda broke my heart a lil bit (and my otp for that series is KuroFai :oP) and there's an image of complete shock/surprise on Fei Wong Reed's face on the last page of the chapter that is priceless.  Absolutely priceless.

Hopefully the next chapter will be just as great, or greater... when this series ends, I don't know what I'll do with myself :oP
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