Clean House, starfighter, bad words, oh my!!

Jul 02, 2009 02:47

Once again, this post will be a list.  Why? Because it's a good organizational tool (and I've been watching too much Clean House not to be organized).

1)  Clean House: the Messiest House in the country finale?  Holy crap those people were insane! Too much stuff!  But oh so funny to watch, 'cause they were so in denial of their hoarding problem.  I love that show.  To death.  And Mark Brunetz?  Come design my room for me pleeeeaaaasse!!!!!!!  (He's too cool for words, tbh)

2) Starfighter update!!!!!!!!  And... it broke my heart.  Omg, Starfighter... Cain, I love you but I HATE YOUUUUUU!!!!!! And the author's taking a break from updating it, to work on something else (something sounding like it has to do with work or getting something produced) so no updates for a bit...

3) Starfighter not updating for a while is taking all the fun out of my summer, and that's just fucking sad.  Thus, leading to #4:

4)  My life is so fucking boring (and at the moment, I'm gonna throw out the word "pathetic" as well).  Job searching sucks balls (to use a phrase from rock_my_town ) and I'm so angry at the world for making it so difficult to actually live in it.

5)  My sister called me "artsy fartsy" the other day.  The sad thing about it?  I'm aspiring to fit that title.  We'll see if I can do it.

6)  I took up crocheting again, and finished my blanket today.  It's the first big blanket I've made, but I'm proud of it.  It's longer than I am tall, and is pretty wide.  I'll probably post pictures tomorrow when I actually take them, but I'm excited to have finished this project.

7)  I was watching Sleeping Beauty last night, and got angry at the fairies for giving Aurora the gifts of "beauty" and "song" at the beginning of the movie.  And I thought "If I had three gifts given to me, what would I want them to be?"  The two that I could come up with were "wisdom" and "confidence".  I'm still thinking of a third.  Friends, I now ask you:  What would you want your three gifts be??

8)  One of my favorite authors at the moment (Maria V. Snyder) has this referall program.  What it is is that if I get 5 people to email her and say I recommend her books to them, then I'll get a free signed copy of a book of my choosing.  So I've had two of my friends from home do it (there were addicted to the books after I told them about the books), and my aunt who I told about the book sent an email as well.  So I need two more people to send emails... I really want Storm Glass, and I can't afford the $14 or whatever it is now in the bookstore, so I'm hoping I can get a free, signed copy from her.  It's my mini-project right now, and I'm really hoping this doesn't fall through. 
That's about it.  List Posts are strangely... refreshing.

starfighter, art, books, list post

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