Nov 10, 2005 00:22
I gotta say it, my last post was really fucking hilarious, by all means. I said what I said, and I won't go back on it, not now or ever. I do think there are a lot of immature idiots on LiveJournal, or should I say, LiveDrama, and uh, I had to speak my peace. I changed my listings of mates, and it is done. If I haven't you listed as a friend, take a fooking hike. Youknowworriemean? 'Sides, I haven't got time for anything but fun, happy times. lol.
Ok, so, I have come a realization of sorts, I am HIGHLY allergic to cats, well maybe not just "cats" but MY cat, lol. After I broke out in like, hives all over my neck, and my eyes turned bright fucking red, lol, I finally realised it. So, I do the smart thing, and avoid the fucker like the black plague. I am doing a good jawb too! But, then I am just sitting here, watching the grass grow...then all of a sudden Pussy Galore (cat) jumps up on my lap out of nowhere, I am like, "Hey now...go away." lol.
It looks at me like it wants to be adored, and just sits there. I politely move my knee and she jumps off. FIVE FUCKING MINUTES GO BY, and my right eye is starting to feel, dry like there is something in it, attacking me, lol, but...there is nothing. *shakes head* Now my throat itches, and I have realised, GOD HATES ME. lol. I love cats, no I LOVE LOVE LOVE cats and I can't even play with my own. Fuckers.
Oh well, plus the time has come for Myspace to piss me off, so I will be posting more frequently, cos honestea, there is a bunch of asshats on there. So, I am done dealing with crap, especially internet related bullshit for ppl who are just too fucktarded for their own good. So, *cheers.*