"Say it Ain't So..."

Sep 04, 2005 13:33

Ok, well, yesterday was another one of those fantabulous days in that, "Man I really needed to just jam around kind of ways." lol. I got up, had a hangover for a bit, but it wasn't all that bad, considering I lived like a wino the night before, anymore beer is the only thing that makes me feel like my insides have been dispelled. lol. So, after about two hours, I was kool. I was just jamming around, playing Dungeon Siege, talking to Lealer, talking to Betts, again...it was a damn good time.

Still, I wondered what would happen with the rest of my day... would I find myself playing DnD somewhere, or at home playing Dungeon Siege, awaiting nightfall, so I can party or go walking...er something? Lol. My life.

So, Aaron gives me a call, he asks if I want to play DnD as those two new commoners that we created last time we played. I was all for it. Everyone online had left me, and I had already been playing Dungeon Siege for like, three hours...I needed a bit of a scenery change. AYE!

So, I fold some laundry, get ready-ish, and he shows up and we head out only after we torchure me sister for a bit. lol. We head out to his and Roses place and play DnD for a bit, then his hangover finally kicks in...and he is forced to sit it out. lol. So, I just played Dungeon Siege for like six hours. Trust me, I had no problem with that. I love that game, probably more than Final Fantasy, not FFIX, but that is cos of the heavy sentimental attachment I have to it. lol. Honestly though, this is the best game I have EVER played.

So, then Rose came home from werk, and she was all pumped to take over the world and get drunk again and do whatever! WOOT! Lol, then she fell asleep. Oh well, she was tired, so it was kool. We tried waking her up, and throwing cats at her, and other stuff, but she was out. So, Aaron and I headed off to TWH (Truck World Hell) and got a cup of coffee (or 10.) We spake of things that mattered, lol, things that MUST be said. lol. Like, DnD, Dungeon Siege, our characters armor, the next villiages we would be travelling to. It dawned on me right then and there, that I am an extreme nerd to like, the 100th power. I am sure there are worse, but WOW I am bad. lol.

*shakes head* So, is he. lol. Well, anyroad, I think today, I am having a "Britannia day" unless someone just shows up on me doorstep, or like kulls me er something, I probably won't be doing too much. Just Dungeon Siege, then walking, then Riunite. Yah, that stuff is nice. Then, bed. Why? Because I can DAMMIT!

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