"Saul Bulldozed Down the House I live in..."

May 27, 2005 21:13

Lol, that fucking blew! Anyroad, here I am just jamming before work, like I always am...I have not the fucking slightest clue what I may do for the next two days considering that Aaron and Rose will be busy resting and stuff. lol. hmmm. I can watch tv, fight with mike, accuse adriane of stealing all of my pencils, yell at everyone when they fall asleep (DAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHH!) throw stuff off the bridge....

er..I dunno.

It will be the true test of all time. If I cannot get a hold of Lealor and Bean, due to the fact that they are usually busy...I may be spending quality time with me dear old self. I hate that, cos then like, I think about everything in me life that is going down and then...I get mad slash upset. My therepist suggested that I set aside like, a certain amount of time in my spare time (when I usually get pissed) to think about everything that fogs me. Then try not to think about it for the rest of the day. Which at this point has proved impossible to do, once I think about it, I can't stop until something reverts me attention. Like, leaving and stuff. That's about it. lol. Can't wait until I can do it, without being manic for the rest of the day. er. I dunno.

Well, soon another Bank Holiday (at least methinks...) I dunno what I am gonner do, there has been many an idea tossed about. Maybe everyone will say fuck to, with everything that has been thought of already...and a Dungeons and Dragons session will ensue. That would be quite the top affair. Lol, and it would also never fooking happen. Regardless, I think I may make an appearance a Buhl Day. See what me mother is doing, but, more than likely NOT attend, cos I haven't recieved an invitation as of yet. Plus, I'm sure not a whole lot will being going down there. Nothing, that would catch me attention at least. Country music. Meat. BLAH. Fuckholes prolly wouldn't even lemme get smashed, cos...I'm "Not 21 yet." lol. FUCK THAT. I'll fucking hook meself up. lol.


Dan Abnormal
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